His eyes grew wide and he said, “Of course.”
“Before starting the matchmaking business, I was a therapist. Listening is kind of my gig.” Mel held a finger to her lips and smiled.
Adam looked at her and said, “I can see how you’d be a great therapist. Why did you stop?”
“I’d rather help people find love, and my background helps.” She cautioned, “I wouldn’t want word getting around, though. Some people might get turned off thinking they were talking to a shrink instead of a simple matchmaker.”
“Are you Dr. Phillips?”
With a shake of her head, she said, “Phillips is my married name, I was Dr. Melinda Grayson.”
Slack-jawed, he asked, “Didn’t you have some night time radio show?”
Her eyes popped. “How would you know about that?”
“I used to listen to a lot of talk radio when I was in the hospital. You were good. Why did you stop?” What he didn’t say was she helped him through some very dark, very lonely nights.
“I needed a change. I left all that behind when I moved here.”
“That’s a shame. A lot of people would call in just to tell you how your advice helped them. I know listening to you helped me. You were kind of a big deal at the rehab facility.”
“I’m glad. After the accident, I didn’t have anything to give. I needed to heal myself first.”
Adam nodded in understanding. “It’s like in an airplane. The attendant always instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first and then help others.”
“I guess that does apply to this situation.” Melinda stood up and took his glass. “Please keep my secret.”
Adam stood next to Mel. “You know, I could help you set up a studio and you could do it from the privacy of your home. Nobody would have to ever know and you could help people again.”
He could hear the warning in her voice. He had tread on ground best left alone. “Sorry, Mel.”
She laid a hand on his arm. “I appreciate the offer, but I am very happy being a matchmaker.” She crossed the patio and looked back over her shoulder. “Take your pictures and come in before you leave. I have a check for you.”
Melinda disappeared inside the house leaving Adam alone. Should he have gone further and told her the extent of his injuries?
Melinda closed the door behind her and sagged against the frame. She was shaken to the core. Angry at a woman she had never met, Anita.
Adam had served his country with honor and because of that suffered terrible injuries, endured emotional trauma, and he blamed himself for the loss of his people. She had worked with a few police officers after a particularly bad altercation and understood how someone in Adam’s position would have felt. It was unfathomable to Melinda that Anita didn’t support him better during his recovery. Not that she would ever tell Adam, but he was better off without Anita in his life. He was a good man and deserved so much better and she was going to make sure he found that woman.
The back door banged and Adam strolled in. “I got a couple of pictures to show Stacey. Will’s going to have an impatient woman on his hands until we get it done.”
Melinda grinned. “You know, I was thinking—I could host a barbeque and invite people over. You might get a few more clients.”
“Or, if you really wanted to throw a party, just have one.” He winked. “After all, from what I’ve heard from Stacey, your parties are legendary.”
“Then it’s settled. And if you happen to get any new clients as a result, you can take me to dinner as a thank you.”
“It’s a date.” Color rushed to Adam’s cheeks. “I didn’t mean date.”
“Relax. I know it’s just dinner.” She tore a piece of paper from her checkbook. “If that’s not right, just let me know.”
He glanced at it and frowned. “You overpaid me by ten percent.”
Her eyes were bright. “It’s a tip for helping me to fulfill a dream.”
“You’re too much, Dr. Melinda Grayson Phillips.”