Will hitched the belt into place and said, “No reason.”

“I need to get this decorative trim ripped down.”

“So that’s how you sliced your finger.”


Will stretched out the tape and said, “How wide does this need to be?”

Adam handed him a piece of paper with the measurements. “Let’s get the tools from the garage and you can handle the saw.”

They worked together cutting the long lengths of board and laying them to one side.

Adam stuck a pencil behind his ear. “There’s another ladder in my truck if you want to grab it.”

Will said, “It’s none of my business, but…”

Adam gave him one of his stern Major looks. “Then maybe you shouldn’t say anything.”

Will’s face lit up with humor. “Do you like Melinda?”

Thinking fast he said, “Of course, I do. She’s a great lady and we’ve become good friends.”

“No,” Will said slowly, “heart-pounding like.”

Sharper than he intended, Adam said, “Of course not.”

With a nod of his head Will grinned. “Just as I thought.”

Adam’s temper spiked. “I have no idea what you mean.”

“I’ll get that ladder.” Will started to walk away. Over his shoulder he said, “Talk to her, bro.”

Adam looked at the house. One thing Will had right—Adam did need to share a few more details about his last tour. But maybe not a full disclosure. Not yet.

Melinda heard a tentative knock on her back door as she chopped vegetables for a salad. She peered around the corner and saw Adam standing on the step. “Come on in.”

Adam opened up the screen door. “Hey, Mel. I’m done for today and the trim is finished. I think it looks pretty good.”

“Give me a minute and you can show me.” She dumped the shredded carrots in the bowl. “Did I hear Will earlier?”

“Yeah. He thought I could use an extra hand.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “I would have helped.”

“You’re the client. I couldn’t have you on a ladder holding up boards.” His voice had a sharp edge to it.

She studied his face. Something seemed to be on his mind. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. I want to finish this job.”

She wondered if she’d shared too much about John and made things awkward with Adam.

“Any chance you can take a break and we can talk?”

Melinda paused. “Let me just cut up this broccoli and onion, and then we can sit out back and have a beer or glass of wine.”

“I’ll get them, if that’s okay.”