“You bet.” He sauntered down a different hallway. Melinda watched him disappear and thought how sweet Adam was to be concerned about her when he was the one injured.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the concrete wall behind her. Her thoughts drifted back to the knock on her door that changed everything.

John’s partner, Rob, was standing on the bottom step. His face was ashen. “Mel, there’s been an accident. John’s being rushed to the hospital. He’s been hit by a drunk driver.”

Her feet felt like lead as she rushed into the bustling emergency room. She wasn’t aware of anything or anyone around her except that Rob was by her side. She stepped around the corner and saw John lying motionless on the gurney. His face was the color of the stark white sheets.

She picked up his cold, limp hand and rubbed it. She asked for more blankets. The doctor was trying to tell her something, but her focus was on John. Rob took her arm and led her out of the room. She leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I’ll be right back.”

It never crossed her mind these might be the last moments she’d spend with him. Rob reassured her they’d come back. As she sat down in the waiting room, she heard the speaker blare CODE BLUE.

She shuddered. Tears coursed down her cheeks.

“Melinda.” A deep voice penetrated the pain that constricted her heart, threatening to cut off her very breath.

Her eyes fluttered open. “Adam,” she breathed.

With his good hand, he wiped the tears from her face and rubbed her hands until she could feel them getting warmer. “Mel, what’s going on? Are you sick?”

She tried to stand up and felt her head swim. He said, “Whoa. You’re as white as a ghost.”

“I’m okay, really.” She could hear her voice crack.

Gently, he said, “Talk to me.”

She looked around, hoping she hadn’t made a spectacle of herself. “Not here,” she begged. “Later.”

Gently he said, “I’m going to hold you to that.”

She noticed he had some papers in his lap. “Can you leave now?”

He held them up. “I’ve been given my walking papers.” She could see the concern in his face. He took her hand and said, “Are you okay to drive?”

Melinda took a deep calming breath and slowly exhaled. She gave him a tiny smile. “Let’s go home.”

Chapter 19

Melinda turned the truck down Adam’s street after stopping at the pharmacy for his prescriptions and an impulse toy for Skye. “I’ll drop you at your place and then walk home.”

“Are you kidding?” Adam asked. “It’s a couple of miles.”

She wouldn’t look at him. “The fresh air will do me good.”

Melinda could feel Adam staring at her. “Mel. You’re not going anywhere until you talk to me.”

The timber of his voice almost brought her to tears. “Adam, please.” She slowed and turned on the blinker. After parking, she held up the key ring and asked, “Which one is for the apartment?”

“It’s not locked.” He pushed the door open with his good hand and a foot. “Are you coming up at least?”

Curious to see how he lived propelled her forward. “I’m going to get you settled and make sure you’re comfortable.” She led the way up the outside staircase. “This must be fun in the winter.”

“It wasn’t too bad, just start at the top and push the snow over the side of the stairs.”

Melinda noticed he took the stairs very slowly. Worried about him, she asked, “Adam, do you need help?”

Curtly he said, “No. I’m fine.”

She turned the doorknob and pushed it opened. A little fur ball rushed toward them. Melinda scooped her up and gave her a kiss on top of her head. “Your daddy got hurt today, so you need to be very gentle with him.”