He gave her a friendly smile. “It’s more common than you think.” She finished the water and handed him the cup. “Would you like to stay here? Or I can escort you to the waiting room if you’re feeling better.”


“I’m good if you want to wait outside.” He kept his eyes locked on hers.

Melinda had to wonder, did he need her, or did she need him? She pulled up a chair next to the gurney. Letting him believe it was the blood that caused her to faint, she said, “As long as I don’t have to watch, I’ll stay.” She wrinkled her nose. “Your hand looks nasty.”

“Hey,” Adam joked, “that’s my hand you’re talking about.”

The doctor held a syringe poised over his hand and said, “This might sting a bit, but then it’ll feel better.”

Adam’s face turned to stone. Melinda situated herself so she could see him but not have the injured limb in her direct line of sight. It wasn’t easy. Her eyes were drawn to his hand, but she forced herself to keep her eyes locked on Adam.

“Mr. Bell, you’re pretty lucky. The finger seems to be intact. We’ll be able to stitch it up and it should be good as new once it heals. But I’d like for you to have an X-ray first just to make sure the bone isn’t broken. After that you’ll be released.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

The doctor hurried away with another nurse keeping pace with him. Wayne, who had helped Melinda, brought a wheelchair for Adam. “I’m going to take you down for some films and Ms. Phillips can wait for you here.” He glanced at Melinda. “We won’t be long.”

She felt her stomach flip. She couldn’t stay in this room alone.

Adam said, “Mel, why don’t you hang out in the waiting room while I’m gone?”

She stood up, grateful he seemed to just know what she was feeling. “I hadn’t thought of that.” She touched his arm. “When you’re back, maybe one of the nurses can find me.”

Wayne stood behind the wheelchair and said, “I’ll be happy to.”

Should she volunteer to keep him company on the way to X-ray? He would be fine. She swallowed the lump in her throat and gave Adam a thumbs-up. “Be nice to the technician.”

“Will do.” Adam gave her a half-hearted smile.

He slid off the gurney and stood next to the wheelchair. “She can come with you,” Wayne said.

“Thanks, but I’ll be in the waiting room.” She hurriedly escaped the brightly lit exam room and leaned against the cool cement wall. She waited as the nurse pushed Adam past her. His hand had been wrapped and he was holding it in the air as he disappeared down the endless corridor.

Melinda had found an empty chair away from the main entrance. She glanced at the door again. How long before she could leave the hospital and the antiseptic smell behind? She gave an involuntary shudder. The last time she had been in an emergency room was with John.

She twirled the slim gold ring on her finger. She had held his hand as he hovered at death’s door, and then in an instant he was gone. She never had the chance to say goodbye before he succumbed to his injuries.

Wayne came through the door. She saw he scanned the waiting room and then headed her way. “Ms. Phillips?”

Melinda jumped up. She struggled to keep the panic from her voice. “Is something wrong with Adam?” She felt a band tighten like a vise around her chest.

“He’s fine. He asked me to let you know he is out of X-ray.”

“Did he send you out here to check on me?” She gave him a tentative smile. “You can be honest.”

“How about I say both statements are true?” He gestured for her to sit down and he laid his fingertips across the underside of her wrist. He checked his watch. “Any more wooziness?”

With a slow shake of her head, Melinda said, “No, I’m fine. I’ve never been a fan of hospitals, but I never dreamt I would faint.” She felt the white lie was best rather than confess what her real issue was.

He cocked his head and looked at her. “Happens to the best of us. My mom still can’t believe I chose the medical profession. At the mere thought of someone bleeding, her head is between her knees.”

Melinda said, “You’re very kind.”

The nurse slowly stood up. “I’m going to check on Adam. He’ll get cleaned up and then he’ll be ready to go.”

“Thank you.” She gave him a weak smile.