“We’re not taking your car—you’ve got cream interior. We’ll take the truck.”

Melinda kept her temper in check. He was being exasperating. “Fine, but I still need to lock the house and get my keys.”

“I’ll meet you out front.” Adam held tight to the makeshift paper towel bandage. “Hey, Mel?” She turned toward him. “Any chance you have an old towel I can use? This isn’t going to cut it.” He gestured to his arm.

“I’ll grab something.” The door banged behind her and she flipped the lock. On her way to the linen closet she slung her handbag over her shoulder and shook it to make sure she heard her keys inside. She grabbed a clean white towel and ran to the front door. She hopped down the front steps just as Adam got to the truck.

She rushed to open the passenger door for him and handed him the towel. “Put your seatbelt on.” After she climbed into the driver’s seat, she looked between her legs and on the side of the seat. “Where can I adjust this darn thing?” Muttering to herself, she said, “I never considered myself vertically challenged until now.”

Adam’s face was pale, He chuckled in spite of the pain he must be feeling. “I have long legs.”

She flashed him a look. “Stop laughing.”

“It’s not electric, the lever is between your legs.”

She jerked the seat forward and then back, finding the spot that worked best for her. She turned the key and the engine roared to life. “Okay, we’re off.”

He frowned when he looked at the towel. “You had to get a white one?”

She flashed him a quick look. “What? Oh, all I have is white. I like to use bleach.”

He mumbled, “I doubt bleach will take care of this mess.”

She drove quickly but with confidence, stealing looks at him from time to time. “How’s the pain?”

“Not too bad. I’ve been through worse than this.”

She was curious about those details, but now was not the time to pepper him with questions. “We’ll be there in about five minutes.”

“I’m glad you live close to the hospital.” The truck hit a pothole and he grimaced.

Melinda cringed. “I’m so sorry.”

The sign for the hospital was up ahead. She slowed the truck and turned into the entrance. “I’ll drop you off at the door and park.”

“No! I’ll stay with you.” He looked at her. “In case of dizziness.”

She could feel her face drain of color. “Do you think you’ve lost a lot of blood?”

“Not me. You.” He gave her a weak grin.

“You never pass up the opportunity to tease me, do you?” She pulled into a parking lot that said EMERGENCY.

“Why would I? It’s fun. Besides, right now I could use the distraction.”

He popped his seatbelt with his good hand, and she could see the towel was going to have to be thrown in the trash. That blood was never coming out. Maybe she should have taken a couple of minutes to look around. What if he had cut off his finger?

He caught her staring at his hand. “I’m going to buy you a new towel.”

She pushed open her door. “What makes you think that’s not an old towel?” She hurried around and opened Adam’s door.

“Mel, relax. I can get out by myself.” His laughter was strained as they crossed the pavement. “I’ll bet you don’t have old, holey socks either.”

The emergency room door silently whooshed open. They stepped inside. Cold air washed over them. Melinda pointed to the check-in desk. “You need to go over there and I’ll wait for you here.”

He gave her a quick look.

She said, “Never mind, I’m coming with you.”