“Morning,” she said, coming over to stand next to him. “I’ve been dying to talk to you.”

He chuckled, folded his arms over his chest and sat on a sawhorse, careful not to expose his artificial limb. “I’m surprised you didn’t call,” he teased.

“I didn’t want to appear too pushy.” She rubbed her hands together and grinned. “But how did everything go?”

Deciding to keep her in suspense another minute or two, Adam hid his smile. “What are you talking about? I’m just getting started on the bench.”

She bumped his shoulder. “That’s not what I’m referring to and you know it.”

“Do you do this with all your clients?” He turned away so she couldn’t see his grin.

She kicked a pile of mulch with her toe and said, “Well, no. But our relationship isn’t exactly the norm for me.”

He could hear her voice drop. He reached out and lightly touched her arm. “I was just having a little fun with you.”

Her smile brightened. “So are you going to tell me how it went with Beth?”

“She was nice. She’s smart, quick-witted and seems like a genuine person.”

“When are you going to see her again?”

“We have tentative plans to go fishing and have dinner.”

Melinda beamed. “That is fantastic news.”

“We’ll see where it goes after that, but I’m feeling optimistic.”

“I’m relieved. After your first match, I was concerned I had lost my touch.” She turned to go inside. “Do you want some coffee? I need to get to work, but I can bring a mug out to you.”

“No, I’m good.” He pointed to his bag. “I brought water. It’s going to be hot today.”

She paused on the bottom step. “Did you hear about Molly and Tim’s wedding?”

He looked up as he nodded. “I did. It’s out on the island. A weekend event, by the looks of it.”

“Are you going?”

“I am, are you?” His heart rate increased while waiting for her answer.

“Of course I wouldn’t miss it.”

He asked, “Do you want to hangout together for the weekend?”

“That sounds like it would be fun. You know, take the pressure off from being the single person. It’s not so bad when it’s just an afternoon, but we need to arrive Friday and the wedding is Saturday. Then there is a brunch on Sunday before we can catch the ferry home.” Melinda was rambling on. Adam smiled at her.

“Sounds like you’ve given this a great deal of thought.”

Her face flushed a cute shade of pink. “Well, I’m a planner.”

“I’ll make reservations tonight,” he said.

“I can make them and book the ferry tickets.”

Adam dug in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. “Are you sure you don’t mind? I’ll drive us to the ferry and be your chauffeur for the weekend.”

She took his credit card and said, “Sounds like a plan.” The door banged shut behind her as she disappeared inside.

Adam sat there looking at the closed door for what seemed like hours. Under other circumstances, he would think they had just agreed to a date for the weekend.