Melinda glanced down at her printed paper. “I saw from your email that you’re a doctor and have lived in the area for about two years.” She looked up and he nodded over his coffee mug.
“That’s right. In fact, I work in the ER. I just got off before I came here.” He yawned. “It was a busy night.”
“So tell me, what brings you to a matchmaking service such as It’s Just Coffee?”
“To be honest, I’ve tried a few online dating services with little success. I’m tired of meeting the wrong kind of women. I want to find someone who shares some of my interests and will be open to new adventures we can discover together, but while still respecting that we are individuals.” He smiled. “You know, a healthy balance.”
Melinda jotted down a few notes. “Are you looking for someone in the medical profession?”
“Actually no. I’d like to leave work at work as much as I can, but someone who takes their career seriously would be a plus. Someday I’d like to have a family.” He smiled broadly. “I love kids.”
Melinda relaxed. She could think of several women already who would meet that criteria. She asked, “What are some of your hobbies?”
“I enjoy travel both in the US and internationally.”
Melinda glanced down and then at Nick. “A particular destination in mind? The beach, mountains?”
He grinned. “I have a huge bucket list of places I’d like to visit: Europe, a safari or maybe even an exotic beach or two. I like to enjoy life and I have the financial means to do so.” He clasped his hands. “I hope that doesn’t sound arrogant. I’m just stating facts.”
She shook her head. “I didn’t take it that way.” She gave Nick her best professional smile. “The more facts I have, the easier it will be to match you with the right woman.” Internally she choked a bit on what she had just said. It did sound like Nick was trying to impress her, not that gobs of money ever did. “Tell me a bit more. Do you enjoy hiking, biking and the theatre?”
“Concerts are fun, and I enjoy sailing. And I love old movies—classic screwball comedy and westerns.”
Melinda could feel Nick watching her as she glanced at the papers in her hands. Casually he asked, “So, what do you do in your spare time?”
She laughed as she nervously clicked the cap on her pen. It was a habit she did when she was uncomfortable, and thankful no one knew that about her. “Nick, we should stay focused on you.” She laid the papers in her lap. “I see you don’t have any objections to dating someone with children.”
“I’m open to it. It will be more about my connection with the lady, and I truly feel the rest will just fall into place.” He leaned forward his arms resting on his legs. “Do you have children?”
“Um, no. I don’t.” She stood up quickly, the papers sliding to the floor. “I think I have all I need for the moment. I’ll enter your information in the database and email you with my results. I’ll be sending your information to select women too. You may hear directly from a match.”
Nick picked up the papers and handed them back to her. He took Melinda’s hand in his and shook it, holding it for a moment longer than necessary before releasing it. “I’ll look forward to hearing from you.” He opened the door and paused on the threshold. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”
He closed the door firmly behind him. Melinda waited until she figured he was in his car before sagging into her office chair. Well, that was interesting. If I had passed him on the street I would have mistaken him for John. A familiar ache flooded her heart. Would the hurt ever really fade?
She got up and refilled her coffee, then printed off the paperwork for the next three clients. After checking the time, she had a few minutes to enter Nick’s information in the computer. She ran a search on her database and let the computer do the work for her. Then she could review the results and add her special touch.
As she waited, her thoughts drifted back to John. It was wonderful to have someone to plan a vacation with or even talk about the potential for a family. She blinked hard. How could meeting Nick get her thinking about things that were a part of her past? A family and partner were ripped away when John died.
Her thoughts slid to Adam. There was a great guy. If only…
A sharp knock on the door interrupted her train of thought. She opened the door. Her next client was standing on the step. “Gretchen. Come in.”
A tall, attractive redhead entered, impeccably dressed. The edges of her lips curved into a slow smile. “Hello, Melinda. I’m pleased you agreed to take me on as a client. Your reputation precedes you.” Her words came out in a soft rush, revealing the smattering of nerves she must be feeling.
Melinda gestured towards the sofa. “Let’s get started.”
With a musical laugh she said, “Well, it just so happens, while I was waiting in my car I saw a very handsome man leave your office. Is he a client?”
Without answering her question directly, Melinda smiled. “Let’s begin and see what we can do about finding a match for you.”
Chapter 14
Melinda looked up from her computer as she heard a car door slam. She didn’t have any more appointments today. Her front bell rang and she closed down her computer, calling, “Coming,” as she hurried from her office to the front hallway.
She was pleasantly surprised to discover Adam standing on her step, looking almost the same as he did last night, cradling the kitten to his chest.
She pushed back her bangs and opened the door. “Hey, stranger. I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”