He started a pot of coffee and pulled up the internet looking for a veterinarian and then stopped. He could ask Will. They had cats and dogs running around their house. He hit speed dial and waited, grinning as Skye pounced the rays of sun on the floor.
Will answered, “Hey, bud, what’s up?”
“Morning. I was wondering if you’d give me the name of your vet.”
“Sure, are you thinking of adopting?”
With a low chuckle Adam said, “It seems a kitten has adopted me.” He went on to explain about his evening and how it was his only choice to bring the kitten home.
“That is great news!”
Adam was a bit taken aback by his friend’s enthusiasm. “That is not the reaction I expected.”
Will laughed. “I didn’t mean anything other than it’ll be good for both of you, the fluff ball for being rescued and you to have company.”
“I guess this means you don’t care I have a pet in the apartment?” Adam dangled a ball on a string for Skye. He was surprised at how light his heart was as he watched the little guy get tuckered out from his gymnastics routine.
“Not at all. I’ll text you the number. Hopefully you can get in today and get him checked out.”
“Sounds good. Let Stacey know about Skye and tell her to stop over tonight. He’s mighty cute.”
“Will do. See ya.” Will disconnected and Adam set the phone aside.
“Time for breakfast, buddy.” He scooped up the kitten and carried him into the kitchen.
Melinda smiled as she read the text from Adam, thrilled that all was going well. Checking her schedule, she saw she had four new clients today. The first would arrive in ten minutes and she needed to be in her office ready and waiting.
The doorbell rang and Melinda rose to answer it. Her heart caught in her throat as she opened the door. She put her hand on the casing to steady herself. For a brief second, the man standing before her seemed to be the spitting image of her John. He had the same dark olive complexion, ebony hair and deep brown eyes that were almost black. But they lacked the familiar warmth John had when he’d look at her.
“Ms. Phillips, are you all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Melinda blinked again to discover his nose was a tad longer, his face more angular with higher cheekbones and his eyes had flecks of amber in them.
“I’m sorry. Come in. For a moment you looked like someone I used to know.”
He held out his hand to her. “I’m Nicholas Taylor. We have an appointment at nine. Would you prefer to reschedule?”
Melinda moved to the side and said, “Not at all. Please come in.”
The moment he stepped into her office he filled the room with his presence. Memories of John washed over her. She gestured to the sofa. “Would you like a cup of coffee or water?”
“Coffee—black would be nice. Thank you. I just got off work and the caffeine would do me good.”
Melinda crossed to the side table where she had a coffeemaker. She busied herself with pouring him a mug, willing her hands to be steady. “Just black, you said?” Her voice cracked.
“Ms. Phillips, are you sure you’re feeling okay? We can postpone if you’d like.”
With a shake of her head she said, “I’m fine, really.” She gave him a weak smile and silently admonished herself to get it together. She was a professional. She handed him the mug and sat in her chair across from him. She took out a pad and pen. “Now then, Dr. Taylor.”
“Please call me Nick. After all, I’m about to share my heart’s desire for a partner. I think being on a first name basis is friendlier.” He shifted the coffee cup to his left hand and smiled. “So how do we do this? Do I just tell you everything I’m looking for in a woman and you ask questions in case I’ve missed something?”
She leaned back in her chair and took a deep, calming breath. “Nothing that rigid.” She forced a smile. “Did you bring a copy of the questionnaire I sent to you?
He reached into his sport coat pocket and withdrew a folded paper. He handed it to Melinda.
“Thank you.” She scanned the contents and continued, “I have a few follow-up questions and then the balance of our time will be more conversational.” She smiled, regaining her composure. “I find it best if you say the first thing that pops into your head. From there I’ll get a good picture of who you are, and then we’ll move forward.”
Nick leaned back against the sofa cushion and crossed one long, lean leg over his knee, showing off perfectly shined shoes.