“I’ll warm up some milk and get an appointment tomorrow.”

Melinda held up a hand. “Not so fast. According to what it says here, cow’s milk can make him sick. We need to mix up a kitten formula.” She scanned the page and turned it around for Adam. “I have the ingredients for the last one.”

She moved around the kitchen with ease. Once she had the ingredients on the counter, she shook everything together and popped a cup of milky kitten formula in the microwave.

Confused, Adam asked, “What’s that for? Are you making a cup of coffee?”

“Do you think I’d stop to make myself something when there is a tiny baby in need of our help?” she teased.

“Well, no.”

She frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have an eyedropper.”

Adam looked around her kitchen. “Do you have a tiny spoon? I can use that to dribble the liquid into his mouth.” He gently detached the kitten from his shirt and set him on the towel on the counter.

She dug into a drawer and held up a measuring spoon.

“That will work.” He dipped the spoon into the mixture and held it up to the kitten, who cried. Adam tried to insert the spoon into his mouth, but the liquid dribbled down his fur and onto the towel. He then dipped his finger in. Time after time he continued to encourage the kitten to eat. His patience was rewarded when he saw the tiny pink tongue poke out and lick the droplets of Mel’s mixture.

His eyes grew wide. “Look, he’s eating.” He set the kitten down in front of the saucer and he eyed it. Adam dabbed his finger in and held it out for the kitten. “We did it.”

Her smile grew as the kitten began to lap up his special ‘milk’ from the saucer.

Adam’s grin filled his face. “I’m going to let him drink all he wants.”

The kitten stopped lapping at the milk and picked his way across the towel. Adam set him on the floor. “Look at that, a little bit of food and he’s ready to roll.” He couldn’t begin to explain the feelings he had watching the fur ball totter around Melinda’s kitchen.

“You still haven’t said what his name will be.”

“That depends on if he’s a boy or girl.” He glanced at Mel. “Any idea how you can tell?”

She snickered. “Turn him upside down and look.”

Adam gently picked up the kitten and turned him stomach side up. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Mel was shaking with suppressed laughter.

He turned him over and set him down again. “I’ve got no clue, but I’m calling him Skye.”

“I knew it. You’re keeping him.” Melinda’s eyebrow arched.

Adam grinned. “Yes, I guess I am.”

“Why Skye?”

“He makes me smile and all I can think of is an old song my grandmother used to sing.”

Melinda touched his arm. “I haven’t seen you smile like you are right now.”

Adam turned his head away from her. It wasn’t something he could explain. For the first time in a long time, Adam had a purpose. Another living being was depending on him.

He cleared his throat. “I think we’re going to head home so you can have your evening back.”

“This was fun.” She scooped Skye up. “You know, I was just thinking…you’re going to need supplies. If you want, leave Skye with me and you can run to the grocery store. You should be able to get everything you’ll need until you can get him checked out.”

“You wouldn’t mind?” Adam hesitated. It would make it easier than tucking the kitten in his shirt. “That’d be great. Thanks Mel.” He dropped a kiss on his head and said, “You be good for Mel. I’ll be back very soon, and then we’ll go home.”