“Mel, don’t worry. I’ve already got you pegged. You’re a kind-hearted lady who really does want the best for everyone. I have faith in you, and I have a feeling you’re going to find everything I’m looking for in a woman.” He grinned. “Or as you might say, my HEA. And, yes, I do know that stands for happily ever after.”
Melinda pretended to swoon and fan herself. She batted her eyelashes and grinned. “Well, thank heavens you know the lingo.”
Chapter 9
Melinda carried a woven basket with a strawberry rhubarb pie tucked inside as she climbed the steps to Stacey’s front door. This was her first fish fry and she wasn’t sure what exactly to expect. Was it like a normal cookout? She raised her hand to knock when it swung opened.
“Hey Stacey,” Melinda greeted her warmly. She held up the basket. “I brought pie.”
Stacey took the basket from her. “Come in. We’re all out back.”
Melinda glanced at the number of cars parked on the street in front of their house. “I hope I brought a big enough pie.” She chuckled. “I didn’t realize this was going to be a party.”
Stacey glanced back over her shoulder. “Once Will starts inviting people, things tend to grow. But it’s everyone you already know.” She set the basket down on the only open space on the counter. “Adam is out there. I think he’s keeping an eye on the grill.”
Looking around the kitchen, Melinda noticed there were several plates of cookies, a cake and a big bowl of cut-up fruit. Relieved there were more dessert choices, she said, “Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Not at all. Everything is done.” She gave Melinda a smile. “Will said Adam has been working hard at your place.”
“I’m excited to see how it will look when he’s done. I heard on the news there’s a storm blowing in late tomorrow, so hopefully that won’t put him behind schedule too badly.”
While Melinda was talking, Stacey poured two glasses of white wine and handed one to her.
After accepting the glass, Melinda stepped through the open sliding door and onto the deck. She noticed Molly and Tim grinning and gesturing for her to join them.
Melinda crossed the grass to where they were standing. Happy to see them she said, “Hi, you two.”
Molly gave her a quick hug. She gushed, “I’m so glad you’re here.” She glanced at the group of people, and Melinda looked around to see what Molly was looking at, or for who.
“Is everything all right?” Melinda couldn’t help but notice Molly’s eyes were bright and she almost seemed to be bouncing in place.
Molly took Tim’s hand. “We’re going to make an announcement tonight, but we wanted you to be the first of our friends to know.” She kissed Tim on the lips lightly.
Melinda could guess what they were about to say.
Tim said, “Well, since you seemed to have piqued her interest, you’d better tell Melinda before you bust.”
Struggling to keep her voice low, Molly held up their joined hands. A flash of brilliance was caught by the sun. “We’re engaged!”
Melinda felt tears prick her eyes. She blinked them away and said, “Congratulations to you both.” First, she kissed Molly’s cheek and then Tim’s. “I’m sure you’ll both be very happy.”
“If it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t be an us,” Molly said.
“You’re giving me far too much credit. All I did was make it possible for you to meet.” Melinda clasped their entwined hands. “You did the hard work of discovering the wonderfulness about each other.”
Tim wrapped an arm around Molly’s waist. “We expect to see you at the wedding.”
“Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. Have you set a date?”
Molly’s head bobbed. “The last Sunday in July.”
“Of this year?” Melinda asked as she mentally counted the weeks until the end of July.
Beaming, Tim said, “Yes, and the theme will be Christmas in July.” He kissed Molly’s cheek. “She wants all the colors of Christmas, and we don’t want to wait and have to worry about snow and the cold, so it’s the best of both seasons.”
“Sounds perfect.” Out of the corner of her eye, Mel noticed Adam walking toward them. “You can tell me more after you make the big announcement to the group.”
“What announcement?” Adam asked as he stopped beside Melinda.