“Hi Melinda, it’s Stacey.”
“Hey, Stacey, what’s going on?”
“I was wondering what you’re doing Saturday. Will went fishing today and caught some nice bass. We thought we’d host an impromptu cookout.”
“That sounds like fun. What should I bring?”
“Just yourself, we’ve got everything covered.”
Melinda could hear the smile in Stacey’s voice. “What time?”
“Around six. It’s just the regular gang.”
Stacey said goodbye, and before Melinda heard the phone disconnect, she heard Will ask, “She’s coming, right?”
That made her smile. To be welcomed into the established group all because she helped Will and Stacey find each other. She wished every match was as successful, which turned her thoughts back to Adam and Susan.
“What did I miss?”
Chapter 7
Melinda picked up her office phone on the second ring, not bothering to look at caller ID.
“Hello, this is Melinda Phillips.”
“Hi Mel, it’s Adam.”
Melinda put down her pen and sat back in the chair. Smiling she said, “Hi there. How are you since your date with Susan?”
“I’m fine.” She could hear the grin in his voice. “Hey I was just sitting here thinking. It’s a nice day and since we’re still waiting on the building permit for your place would you like to have lunch with me today?”
At a loss for words she wasn’t sure how to respond. She should say no, but she was surprised to realize she wanted to say yes, but was he asking as a reaction to his lackluster date with Susan? She hadn’t gone out to lunch in ages with anyone.
“Adam, that’s really nice of you to offer, but I’m up to my eyeballs in work.”
“Oh, come on. It’s sunny and warm and there’s a seafood place, the Salty Dog, that I’ve been dying to try, only about thirty minutes down the coast.” Before she could say no, he plunged ahead. “It’s no fun to go to a cool new place by yourself.”
She bit her bottom lip. Making a snap decision she said, “Sounds like fun. But,” she chuckled, “if I get in trouble with the boss for goofing off, I’m blaming you.”
“Not a problem. Besides, I think she likes me, so I’m sure she’d encourage you to take off for a while.”
Mel was shocked when she heard herself actually laugh with a snort.
“What time will you swing by or do you want me to meet you there?” She pushed back from the desk and stretched one arm overhead.
“Look out your window.”
Melinda pushed the curtain away from the side-lites next to the front door. She grinned. “Adam, I gotta let you go. There is some guy waving at me from the driveway.”
She hit the disconnect button on the phone and swung the door open. She couldn’t keep the smile from her face. Leaning against the doorjamb, she smirked. “You were pretty sure I’d say yes.”
Adam sauntered up the walkway. “Let’s just say I was cautiously optimistic. With the lure of fresh seafood and my sparkling conversation, well, I think the combination speaks for itself. Besides, if all else failed I was going to beg you to take pity on a new friend.”
“I need to grab my keys and lock up.” She deliberately tossed a teasing look over her shoulder. “We’ll take my car.”
He protested, “I can drive, my truck is gassed up and ready to roll.”
She ignored him and closed the front door firmly after her, and within minutes the garage door slid open on its tracks. He stepped to one side as she backed the car out. Melinda grinned when he hopped into the passenger seat.