Page 3 of Speak No Evil

“Is she pretty?”

Will laughed. “I don’t know. I haven’t met her. Just talked to her on the phone.” But from the harassed way she’d sounded on that last call, he pictured her with a ponytail askew, tendrils of hair teasing her face, and a tote bag big enough to haul a refrigerator.

His friend sighed. “If she gets there within the next half hour, bring her over when you come.”

“Sure.” Will disconnected. He’d go if she wanted. After a week spent wondering about her, he admitted to being curious and wouldn’t mind getting to know her better before exposing her to a bunch of drunk engineers. She was Erin’s roommate, a huge recommendation that Gwen was someone worth knowing.

He lifted his windbreaker off the coat tree when the desk phone rang. This call came from Max at the lobby desk.

“Says her name is Gwen MacLaine,” the guard said. “You want to come down and sign her in.”

“I’ll come on down.” He grabbed the yellow envelope containing the study guide he’d promised Erin and headed out.

The elevator chimed on its arrival in the lobby. When he stepped out, a woman wearing a loose blue sweater over a halter top and stylish jeans rose from the bench by the windows. Correction: a beautiful woman with short black hair that fluffed around a face where big blue eyes stared back, magnetic clear-sky blue eyes. A delicious floating sensation lifted his mood and made him forget how long he’d been waiting. Seeing her was worth the wait. Tonight was Friday. They had a whole weekend to play.

She clutched a huge bag to her chest. Her lips parted as if beckoning him, but she didn’t move any closer. “Hi. I’m Gwen.”

He couldn’t look away. Max’s radio crackled, and he blinked. How long had he been staring? Seconds? Hours? He needed to speak or she’d think him a mute. “I recognize your voice.”

She seemed to startle and then frowned.

Could he make a bigger mess of this? He swallowed to moisten his parched mouth and extended his hand. “Will Strongbow. Pleased to meet you.”

She gave him the sweetest smile he’d ever seen and a solid shake.

“I really am sorry I’m so late.” She tugged her hand. He reluctantly released his hold, and she hitched the tote bag’s straps higher. “Did you have to wait long?”

“I found something to do.” Yeah, right, stare out the window and worry you might be getting mugged. “It’s Friday. I congratulate you on getting here at all. You were coming from work and there’s a lot of traffic between here and Columbia University.”

She drew in a sharp breath and stepped back. “How do you know where I work?”

The tension coming off her stunned him, and his nerve endings tingled. Didn’t she know she had nothing to fear from him? He shrugged. “I noticed your e-mail address.”

“Oh, right.” She shifted her weight to one leg, relaxing. But he didn’t understand her reaction. She had to know her digital address would be a giveaway. “Actually, I was in midtown when I called. I had to pick up a document from the man giving a joint talk with my boss. Then I had to overnight the proposal to get it to a conference committee in time. I work for one of the research professors.”

“I hope you got it off in time.”

“Fingers crossed.” She tucked her fluffy, dark hair away from her face. “I hope I didn’t keep you from something?”

Will made a dismissive gesture. “A bunch of the team went off for beers. You and I could join them. If you want.” He raised his eyebrows.

She grimaced. “I need to collect the study guide for Erin and split. Is that it?” She pointed to the envelope he carried.

“Right.” He’d forgotten why this woman was here and hurriedly handed over the envelope with the course book. “Tell Erin my sister hopes this will help her do well on the exam.”

“Right. Thanks.” Gwen stuffed the study guide into her bag and glanced toward the exit doors. “Again, sorry you had to wait. I’m sure you’re the last one to leave.”

“I didn’t mind, but if you want to make it up to me, there’s a place we can get a drink a few minutes away.”

She tugged on the front of her loose sweater. “I’m hardly dressed for an evening out.”

She sounded like she might be open to this, and he gave himself a mental fist pump. He smiled. “Don’t worry. You look good.”

Great, in fact. Those sapphire blues really delivered a kick and made him snap to attention.

A little groove appeared between her dark eyebrows. She waved her hand as if to erase what she’d just said. “I don’t know why I said that. The real reason I can’t linger is I don’t have enough time.”

“Will you turn into a pumpkin?” He didn’t want her to leave. They’d only just met.