Page 77 of Walking the Edge

“Thanks.” She smiled. Hal smiled back. She left her cell charging beside the bed, pulled on socks, and followed him downstairs. “I want to catch a nap later. Mitch and I might go out when he gets back. We’re still looking for my brother.”

“Gotcha.” Hal set the popcorn bowl on the ottoman. “You want a beer?”

“Go ahead and sit down. I’ll get it.”

“Go for one in the door. Everyone’s got their own favorite brand. Separating them is the only way we can live in the same house.”

Did Mitch have a territorial gene, too? Did she resist getting closer because her subconscious warned her to stay away?

In the kitchen, she collected her beer and a glass. She and Hal watched footage of the day’s parades and talked about his shoulder, which the docs said healed well. An hour later, she said goodnight and went upstairs. She unplugged the phone the moment a message flashed on the screen: Need to meet u.

The number of her baby brother’s cell phone appeared at the top of the screen. Her pulse jolted and she keyed a reply. Is this Les?

A minute passed.

She nibbled a fingernail.

Finally, another message appeared. Who did you think?

Chapter 14

A lamp crashed behind Mitch. He dove for a thrashing leg and sent the fugitive to the floor. Jack got the cuffs on one wrist. Mitch yanked the skip’s other behind him, and his brother finished the job.

“What are you doing to my cousin?” A bearded guy charged toward them from an interior doorway. “Get the hell off him.”

Mitch hauled their fugitive to his feet. Jack searched him for weapons and dragged him out the front door, all kicking feet and heavy clanking jewelry. Mitch thrust the bail piece into the cousin’s face.

“What’s that?”

“Our warrant to arrest.” Mitch backed onto the porch. All five family members stalked after them yelling curses. The criminal resisted mightily, but they managed to get him into the rear seat before he could body-slam his way to freedom.

“Let’s go.” Jack rounded the hood.

Forty-five minutes later, their crook once again stared at bars and they headed out of the jail. “I’m proud of you, baby brother.” Jack gave him a fist bump. “Always knew you could hack the job.”

“Glad you approve.” Mitch grinned. Had Cath been right about his brothers’ opinions of him? “But I’m not such a baby anymore.”

“Not at all.” Jack slapped him on the shoulder.

Mitch followed him to the SUV, the smile inside rocking from side to side. He should listen to Cath more often. She seemed to know more about families than he did. He dropped his cell into the cup holder. The arrest had aggravated his bum shoulder, but not so bad he couldn’t catch some shut-eye on the way home. No telling how long he and Cath would be downtown.

He’d nodded off when a cell-phone buzz broke the quiet. Jack looked at his phone. “It’s yours.”

Justin. Mitch answered.

“Did you find Les yet?” Justin asked.

The panic in the kid’s voice raised the hairs on Mitch’s arm. This couldn’t be good. “Not yet. Why?”

Justin muttered something inaudible, but other indistinguishable voices came over the connection. Wheels screeched, followed by running feet.

Mitch clenched his cell. “Where are you?”

Nothing. He strained to hear anything but got nothing. “Justin? You still there? Talk to me.”

“I can’t talk too long. The police, you know.”

Mitch rubbed the groove between his eyebrows. “You’re at the police station?”