The bell above the door tinkled as Flora and Jay rushed through, Jay holding the leads of two dogs whilst Flora carried a small pup, possibly a Bichon Frise although Megan couldn’t be sure as the poor thing was covered in mud.
‘That’s it, Jay, if you could take those two through to the kennels, you’ll see there’s an empty one. The third one down I think it is. I’ll take this little one straight through to get cleaned up. The sooner this is all off of her, the better she’ll feel.’ Flora nodded towards the door leading through to the kennels as she used her elbow to open the door to the washroom.
‘Here, I’ll get that for you.’ Megan rushed to the door and swung it open for Flora.
‘Thanks, lovely.’
The shrill sound of the landline phone filled the room and Megan rushed back to the counter to pick it up.
‘Hello, Wagging Tails Dogs’ Home, how can I help you?’
‘Can I speak to the owner, please?’ A husky voice filtered down the line.
Megan glanced towards the now-closed washroom door. ‘I’m afraid she’s a little busy right now. Can I take a message?’
‘No, sorry, but I really need to speak to whoever is in charge. It’s urgent. Is there any way you could get them to the phone?’
Megan frowned. The man at the end of the line sounded desperate. ‘One moment and I’ll go and see.’
‘Thank you.’
After carefully laying the phone down on the countertop, Megan hurried towards the washroom door and pulled it slightly ajar. Flora was standing next to the deep tray of the dog shower, the Bichon Frise cowering as far back as possible.
‘Sorry, Flora, there’s someone on the phone and he says it’s urgent.’
Flora looked over her shoulder at her. ‘Could you take a message and tell them I’ll ring them straight back, please?’
‘I tried. He sounded desperate.’
‘Right. Are you all right to carry on here then, please?’ Flora nodded towards the dog.
‘Yes, okay.’ Megan frowned. She’d never even had a dog before, let alone showered one. She inched forward until she was standing next to Flora.
‘Thanks. He’s very nervous, but he’s been very gentle. Just try to get as much mud and grime off as possible, would you? Make the little sweetheart a little more comfortable.’
‘I’ll do my best.’
As Flora stepped away, Megan took the showerhead and looked down at the small dog.
‘Hey, little one. So, it’s just you and me now, then.’
She held her hand under the water, checking the temperature, before moving the showerhead so the water dribbled onto the dog’s coat. The bottom of the white porcelain shower tray instantly turned a murky brown as the water seeped through the dog’s fur.
‘That’s it. We’ll get you nice and clean, shall we?’
The dog looked up at her, his deep brown eyes penetrating hers as he slumped against the cold shower tray.
‘Shall we use some shampoo?’
Holding the showerhead in one hand, she took a yellow bottle from the shelf and gently tipped it upside down, waiting as a few dollops of shampoo dropped to the dog’s fur before replacing it. As she gently rubbed the shampoo in, her fingers caught in large matts.
‘Oh, you’re not just dirty, you’re matted too.’
How could someone let a dog they’re responsible for get into such a state? Owners were supposed to love and care for their pets, not neglect them. She gently rubbed the fur as more dirt was dislodged and the once brown fur began to take on a shade closer to the typical white of a Bichon Frise.
A short, quiet knock sounded on the door before it opened. Turning her head, Megan realised it was Jay.