Megan pulled a notebook stuffed with yet more receipts from the shelf above the counter and tucked it under her arm, looking down at Cindy who had followed her through to the reception area and was now sitting patiently, wagging her tail and watching Megan’s every move.

‘I take it you want a treat, hey?’

Cindy held a paw up, her head tilting to one side.

Megan laughed. ‘After that performance, I think you deserve one, too.’

‘Deserve what?’ Jay stepped through the door from the kennels.

‘A treat. She has such cute puppy dog eyes. I don’t know how anyone can resist her.’ Taking a treat from the tub on the counter, Megan held it out and waited until Cindy had gently taken it from her hand before wiping the crumbs down the front of her jeans.

‘She is a gorgeous pup.’ Jay grinned and slung the pieces of a half-chewed tennis ball in the bin. ‘There goes another tennis ball chewed by the one and only Petal.’

‘Ah, she does like to destroy them.’ Megan grinned.

‘She sure does.’ Jay turned to the courtyard, seeing Flora pulled up in the van. ‘Looks like we’ll find out if Angus will be going to his new home or not.’

‘I hope so. He’s such a sweet little thing and does seem to be struggling to settle into his kennel.’

The bell above the door tinkled as Flora stepped inside, a large smile covering her face.

‘Good news?’ Jay leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

‘Good news.’ Flora gave them both a thumbs-up. ‘He’s going to be so happy there too. And she’s had a rescue pup before, so knows what she’s getting into.’

‘That’s fantastic news.’ Megan took the notebook from under her arm and held it in her hand. ‘So, she’ll be aware of what to expect of the settling-in period and everything?’

Flora nodded. ‘Yes, which makes things easier. She mentioned she knew you, actually. Lisa? She works at Honeysuckle Bed and Breakfast?’

‘Yes, I know Lisa.’ Megan nodded. ‘She’s really lovely.’

‘She mentioned you’d moved on. Have you found somewhere to rent? You’re still local, I hope.’ Flora smiled kindly. ‘You’re one of us now.’

Megan glanced down at the notebook in her hands, her knuckles turning white as she gripped it tightly to her. ‘Still local.’

‘Good, good. Whereabouts are you now?’ Squeezing behind her, Flora hung the keys to the van up on the hook behind the counter.

Megan swallowed and shifted on her feet. She hated lying, but what else was she supposed to do?

‘Oh, not far.’

‘Right.’ Flora frowned before shaking her head and touching Megan’s forearm. ‘I’m glad you’ve found somewhere more permanent.’

‘Me too.’ She tried to relax her grip of the notebook. She could feel Jay’s eyes upon her. ‘So, when will Angus be going to his new home?’

‘At the end of the week. Lisa has next week off work to help settle him into a routine before she goes back, so she’ll be picking him up on Saturday morning.’ Flora fussed over Cindy before looking across to Jay. ‘Do you mind helping Susan pack away the tools please, lovely?’

‘No problem.’ Jay nodded.

‘Thanks. Percy’s out there too, so if you could try to guide him towards the lighter stuff, that’d be great, please? He assures me his back is better, but I’d hate to see him injure himself again.’

‘I will.’ Jay grinned before pulling the door open and disappearing outside.

‘And how about you, lovely? How are you bearing up with that ankle of yours?’ Flora asked as she held the kitchen door open for Megan and Cindy. ‘I hope you’ve been resting it?’

‘It’s much better, thanks. I don’t think it’ll be long until it’s completely healed now.’