Megan groaned. She’d almost forgotten. Not that she had any excuse to forget, she’d been studying the accountancy refresher course at Trestow College for the past few months and the number of hours she’d been poring over books and revision guides over the past few weeks had all but put a hold on her and Jay’s social life. Instead, Jay had been joining her at Flora’s kitchen table and spending the time researching species and habitats for his job at the local nature reserve between quizzing her and helping her with her revision.

‘Hey, you’ll smash it. I know you will.’ He squeezed her hand.

‘Fingers crossed.’ Holding her free hand up, she crossed her fingers.

‘And then you can start setting up your own accountancy business.’

‘Yes.’ She nodded. ‘I forgot to tell you, Primrose asked if she could be my first client today!’

‘She did? That’s amazing! Congratulations.’ Pausing in the middle of the courtyard, Jay wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she kissed him back. Their relationship had gone from strength to strength since the fire and she was still getting used to the fluttering in her stomach every time she saw him. These moments though, when he kissed her, held her hand, hugged her, all of these little actions which showed how he felt about her, she wasn’t used to them. Lyle had never been affectionate, not when out and about and not even around the home. Looking across at Jay, she smiled. This, the relationship she had with Jay, was so entirely different to what she was used to. And she liked it. More than liked it. Leaning back in his embrace, she grinned at him.

‘Thanks. I just need to think of a name now. Megan’s Accounting is a bit dull.’

‘Ha ha, now that will be the fun part, thinking of a name.’ He pointed towards the edge of the courtyard by the Wagging Tails building as they began walking again. ‘Oh, look, the new kennels are up.’

‘The new kennels take two.’ Megan watched as Flora and Percy carried bedding into the new kennel block. ‘Let’s just hope they stay up for a little longer than the last one.’

Jay chuckled. ‘Oh, I’m sure they will. And I’m sure Susan and Percy have been breathing down the electrician’s neck this time.’

‘I bet. No more fires then.’

‘No, let’s hope not.’ Jay grimaced before pausing again. ‘Actually, before we go over and take a look, I’ve got something I’ve been meaning to tell you, and this seems as good a time as any other.’

‘Ah, now that sounds serious.’ Megan frowned and turned to him.

‘It is.’ Looking down at the floor, Jay ran his fingers through his hair.

‘You’re worrying me now. Just tell me! Please!’

‘Okay, okay.’ Looking up at her, he met her eyes before taking her hands in his. ‘I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a few weeks now, but I’ve fallen in love with you, Megan.’

Shaking her head, Megan laughed before cupping her hands around his cheeks. ‘You had me worried.’

Letting a deep breath out, Jay relaxed his shoulders before intertwining his fingers with hers and drawing her closer. Taking his hand away, he reached up and gently brushed a loose strand of hair from Megan’s eyes before cupping her cheek.

As their lips met, Megan felt the familiar rush of warmth running through her body. He loved her! Leaning slightly back, her lips millimetres from his, she whispered, ‘I love you too, Jay.’

Pulling away, he grinned, his eyes glistening with happiness. ‘Well, that’s a relief.’

Megan linked arms with him and they began walking again. ‘Did you actually think I was going to tell you that I didn’t?’

‘No, but…’ He shrugged. ‘It’s nice to hear the words.’

She grinned. Everything was perfect. She couldn’t be happier with her life now. It was miles, quite literally and figuratively, away from her old life with Lyle and she’d forever be grateful for Wagging Tails for changing her course.

‘Ah, there you two are!’ Letting the door to the new kennel block close behind her, Flora came rushing across to them, hugging them both in turn. ‘Come on, come in and take a look at the new kennels!’

‘They look great, even from the outside.’ Jay grinned and held the door open for them.

‘They really do.’ Megan stepped inside and looked around. A small corridor down one side of the building led to four kennels of a similar size to the ones in the main kennel block. Each kennel had an opening at the end leading to an outside area. Although relatively small, the area would allow the dogs to lie or play in the sun. ‘Ooh, it looks really nice in here.’

‘It sure does, doesn’t it, love?’ Percy stood up from where he’d been setting the dog bed, before leaning back down and pulling the bed an inch to the right.

Flora checked her watch. ‘Right, we’ve got about half an hour before Sylvia drops off four new dogs from the pound. Shall we go and get a cuppa?’

‘You’ve filled the new kennel block already?’ Megan asked as she followed Flora outside.