He reached across and squeezed her hand before taking the steering wheel again and turning into Wagging Tails.
As the car pulled up, Megan looked out of the windscreen. The new kennel block lay in a heap, the wood crumbled and burnt, with no resemblance to the new building it had been before the fire. The original building, though, Wagging Tails, was still standing and Alex, Susan and Percy were balancing on ladders, pulling bright blue tarpaulin across the roof.
As Jay pulled the handbrake up, Megan watched as Flora rushed out of the door and across to them.
‘Oh, lovely. It’s such a relief to see you.’ Flora hugged her tightly before holding her at arm’s length. ‘And you’re definitely okay?’
‘I am.’ Megan grinned.
‘She was given a clean bill of health? She didn’t discharge herself?’ Flora glanced across at Jay.
Chuckling, Jay closed his car door and walked around to them. ‘The doctors have given her the all-clear. They advised her to take it easy for the next few days but apart from that she’s fine.’
‘Oh, thank goodness for that.’ Flora drew her in for another hug before linking arms with her and leading her across the courtyard.
‘Did the fire damage much?’ Megan looked up at the roof. The ladders now stood empty, Percy, Alex and Susan having descended and disappeared.
‘No, our luck must have been shining down on us yesterday. The roof needs replacing, but everything inside is okay.’ Flora shook her head. ‘Apparently, the roof should have been fine if it weren’t for a couple of damaged tiles, which let the fire take hold. That’ll teach me for putting off repairs.’
Megan nodded. ‘That’s a relief. And the dogs are definitely all okay? Even Ralph?’
‘Yes, lovely, they’re all fine. In fact, they’ve taken last night’s drama in their stride, and you wouldn’t even know anything had happened. They’re all back to their normal selves. Thanks to you, that is.’
Megan shook her head. She had only done what anyone would have.
‘I don’t even want to imagine the outcome if you hadn’t called the emergency services, or the dogs had been left in there any longer.’ Flora looked down and pinched the bridge of her nose. ‘Anyway, let’s get you inside. I should think you need a good cuppa in a proper mug after the muck you get from the hospital.’
Megan smiled. The quality of the tea and coffee had been the last thing on her mind last night.
Jay held the door open for them both before stepping inside and closing it.
Megan glanced towards the door to the kennels. She could still smell the all too familiar whiff of smoke but with the windows open and a slight breeze blowing, she could imagine it wouldn’t be long before it was cleared.
‘In we go, lovely.’ Flora pushed open the kitchen door and ushered Megan through first.
As soon as she stepped inside, a raucous cheer and a round of applause ensued as Percy, Ginny, Sally, Susan and Alex stood up and greeted her.
‘You did a grand job, love.’ Percy hugged her around the shoulders before going to stand with Flora.
‘Thank you, Megan.’ Ginny stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her.
‘Thanks.’ Megan glanced down at the floor and tucked her hair behind her ear. She could feel the hot flush of embarrassment rush across her face.
‘Come and sit down. I’ll pop the kettle on.’ Susan pulled out a chair for her and tapped the back of it.
Sinking into the chair, Megan looked around her. All the people here seemed to care about her. They were more than acquaintances; they were friends, family. The atmosphere in this room was so completely different from the stuffy dinner parties she’d held or attended just a few months ago. She felt at home here. More at home than she ever had before.
Megan pushed her chair back and stood up. ‘I’ll be back in a moment. I just want to see the dogs.’
‘Okay, lovely. We’ll get you a drink and something to eat,’ Flora said.
‘Thank you.’ Glancing behind her, Megan closed the kitchen door again before leaning against the counter and taking a deep breath. She rubbed at her eyes. Why was she crying? She was happy. She shouldn’t be crying.
She heard the kitchen door open and close softly and wiped her eyes.
‘Hey, are you okay?’ Jay stood in front of her, cupping her elbows with his hands.
‘Yes, I don’t know. I just…’ She shrugged. ‘I think I’m just tired. I was just thinking how lovely everyone was, how at home I felt. I don’t know why I’m crying.’