‘No.’ Megan sat a little straighter. ‘And I mean that. I’m not imposing.’


Jay stopped as the kitchen door swung open and Cindy bounded in, followed shortly by Flora and then Percy.

‘Hello, you.’ Megan fussed over Cindy, grateful for the excuse to drop the conversation.

When Flora sat down at the table, she looked from Megan to Jay and back again. ‘Are we interrupting something?’

‘Nope.’ Megan spoke quietly, but firmly.

‘Are you sure?’ Percy asked. ‘Not being rude, but it feels as though I could cut the atmosphere in here with a knife.’ He picked up a teaspoon from the counter before flicking he kettle on.

Jay cleared his throat. ‘So, we have the new kennels being constructed today, then?’

Percy smiled. ‘We certainly do.’

‘Great. How’s the concrete holding up?’ Jay asked as he finished the last of his coffee.

‘Come and take a look if you like? I can grab a coffee after.’

‘Okay, sounds good.’ Jay stood up.

‘Are you coming, Megan?’ Percy asked. ‘You put a lot of work into it too.’

Megan nodded, pushing her chair back and standing up.

‘Megan, hold on a moment, would you?’ Flora held her hand up and indicated the chair Megan had just vacated. ‘Take a seat a moment, lovely.’

Sitting back down, Megan automatically wrapped her hands around her empty mug. ‘Is everything all right?’

‘I couldn’t help but overhear a little of the conversation you were having with Jay. I’m sorry, I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping, and I wouldn’t usually butt into a conversation I wasn’t privy to, but I heard Jay saying that you could sleep at his again tonight. Are you having problems finding another bed and breakfast?’

Megan looked down into her mug. There was a faint tide line around the edge of the ceramic indicating where her coffee had been filled up to.

‘I can imagine it’s a little tricky finding somewhere at the last minute.’ Flora looked across at her. ‘Especially with it being the summer holidays.’

Megan nodded. What was she supposed to say?

‘I have a friend who works at a bed and breakfast just outside Trestow. I could have a word with her and see if they have any rooms available?’

Megan bit down on her lip.

‘Or is there something else going on? Is there another reason you left Honeysuckle Bed and Breakfast?’ Leaning forward, Flora briefly touched the back of Megan’s hand.

She didn’t have a choice, did she? She couldn’t lie. Flora would only find out one way or another, and then what would she think of her? Besides, things weren’t going to change anytime soon. Lyle wasn’t going to suddenly backtrack and give her what she deserved, and she was pretty certain there wasn’t a queue of prospective employers ready to offer her a job. All she had was the truth.

‘Lyle has cut me off from any money.’

Flora leaned back in her chair, visibly shocked.

Megan steadied her voice. ‘I have nothing.’

‘Oh, lovely.’

‘It’s fine though,’ Megan continued, despite her voice cracking. ‘I’m looking for jobs and as soon as I get one, I’ll be able to find somewhere to live. And I have my car in the meantime.’

‘Please don’t tell me you’ve been sleeping in your car?’