‘You okay?’
‘Yes, just caught myself with the hot water, that’s all.’ She lunged forward and grabbed her top. ‘I can sort that.’
Standing back, Jay frowned, his face etched with confusion. ‘Are these your clothes?’
Megan nodded, wracking her brain for a simple explanation. ‘I didn’t get time to pop into the laundrette yesterday, and I didn’t think anyone would mind me washing a few bits here.’
After emptying the rest of the laundry from the machine, Megan pulled out her jeans and underwear and put them in a small pile on the work surface before rolling them and squashing them into her tote bag. She’d pop out and place them in the car later. It wouldn’t take long for them to dry in this weather.
‘I shouldn’t think anyone would mind if you didn’t want to wash them with the dog bedding.’ Taking over the coffee making, Jay poured in the milk before handing her a mug.
‘I know.’ She wrapped her hands around the mug and breathed in the strong, bitter aroma. ‘I was just embarrassed, I guess.’
‘Nothing to be embarrassed about.’
Sitting back down, Megan looked under the table. Cindy was still fast asleep, oblivious to any drama.
‘I wonder how Flora is getting on with the home visit,’ Jay said as he bent down and took his lunch from the fridge.
‘I don’t know. Hopefully it’ll be good news. She’s been there a while.’
‘Yes, that’s got be a good sign, hasn’t it?’ He nodded towards her. ‘Are you not having your lunch?’
Megan shook her head. ‘I’ve already had mine.’
It wasn’t a lie, she’d had all the lunch she was going to have.
The door opened again, and Susan walked in, followed shortly by Percy.
Percy made his way to his chair and sat down, rubbing his hands together. ‘All done. The concrete is laid and the foundations will be ready for the new kennels.’
‘Yes, no thanks to Percy here, who ended up walking in it.’ Susan laughed.
Percy chuckled, took a handkerchief from his pocket, and began wiping flecks of grey concrete from his boots. ‘I may have had a momentary lapse of concentration.’
‘Or two you mean.’ Shaking her head, Susan threw him a packet of antibacterial wipes. ‘Here, try these. At least they’ll be wet.’
‘Thanks.’ Percy folded his handkerchief and slipped it back into his pocket before taking a wipe. ‘Much better, thanks.’
While Susan began speaking to Jay, Percy turned to Megan and lowered his voice. ‘Have you managed to speak to Flora yet?’
‘Flora?’ Megan frowned.
‘Yes, about what we spoke about in the paddock.’ Percy glanced across at Susan, who was still speaking to Jay and lowered his voice even further. ‘About dating.’
‘Oh, yes. Of course.’ Megan grimaced. She’d completely forgotten, what with everything going on between her and Lyle, it had slipped her mind. ‘Umm, no, not yet. Sorry, I’ll try to have a word with her today.’
‘Thank you.’ Percy grinned.
‘What are you two whispering about over here?’ Susan asked.
‘Oh, you know. Just this and that.’ Percy winked at Megan. ‘Just discussing the perfect process of laying concrete, that’s all.’
‘Pouring concrete, you mean?’ Susan raised her eyebrow.
‘Yes, yes, pouring concrete.’ Percy folded up the used wipe and laid it on the table before reaching across and taking a biscuit. ‘These look good, don’t they?’
‘They’re the same biscuits we have here all the time.’ Smiling, Susan shook her head and sat down.