Megan pulled the bow in her lace tighter. They’d obviously lost something.

‘We do need to come up with a better system, though. We can’t keep relying on notebooks to scribble our outgoings in. We have this problem every year when we sort out the finances. We need to have a better system.’ Flora’s voice was firm. Not with Ginny, but herself.

‘You’re right. We really should get one of those computer programs and just fill it in every time we spend something. It would make life so much easier. Or even an Excel spreadsheet.’

Megan tucked the end of her laces into the top of her trainer. Maybe there was a way she could help Flora, really help her, after all.

‘Umm, I’d love to agree with you, Ginny, but I’ve no idea what an Excel spreadsheet is. It might as well be an alien spacecraft to me.’ Flora chuckled.

Standing up, Megan turned back to the counter. ‘I could help you with that if you like?’ she said. ‘I’m a trained accountant, and I’d be happy to get your finances in order. I could set up a system and explain it all to you.’

‘Oh, are you?’ Flora closed the notebook.

‘Yes. And I wouldn’t charge you. I’d do it all for free.’ Megan looked from Flora to Ginny and back again. ‘I haven’t officially worked for over ten years, but I used to help Lyle out with his accounts.’

Flora nodded slowly.

Megan clasped her hands in front of her, the searing heat of self-consciousness flooding her face. Why had she said that? If it wasn’t bad enough that she’d mentioned his name, to then say that she had done all his accounts would have made things worse.

‘I mean, I kept the accounts that he told me about. I know now that he wasn’t transparent about his finances, but I didn’t know at the time.’

‘Right.’ Flora’s eye twitched, her forehead creasing ever so slightly before she relaxed her expression again as Megan continued.

‘But I am an accountant, and I can do this for you. I promise I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t think I could. I know I can.’ She shrugged. ‘I’m good at what I do. I just need to be given all of the information and not be lied to. Not that for one minute I’m suggesting you will. I mean, Lyle. If he hadn’t lied to me, I could have done my job properly…’ She let her voice trail off and turned around. ‘Sorry, I should go.’

‘Wait.’ Flora held up her hand. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t mind? It’d save us a lot of headaches if you could sort the accounts for us, but I’m afraid I’ve never been the best at keeping on top of things. Not things like finances. As long as we have money in the bank to keep the dogs fed and the bills paid, then I don’t tend to worry too much about documenting everything until we have to.’

Megan smiled. ‘Yes, I’m sure. I’d be happy to help.’

‘There are receipts everywhere. In the drawers, stuffed into notebooks, scribbled lists of expenses.’ Flora held her arms open, indicating the countertop strewn with notebooks and papers.

‘I can collate them all for you and enter them into a system. Once that’s done, I can show you all how to use it, so it’s not a huge job at the end of the financial year.’ Megan stepped forward.

‘You mean no more all-nighters trying to find evidence of all expenses?’ Ginny raised her eyebrows. ‘That sounds like bliss.’

‘Ha ha, we’re not that bad.’ Flora shook her head.

‘Umm, I beg to differ.’ Ginny laughed. ‘Honestly, what you’re offering to do sounds fantastic, but Flora’s not joking when she says all the information is spread around.’

‘That’s fine. In the past I’ve worked with people with really shocking ways of storing income and outgoings, so I’m sure I can cope. I’d love to help.’

‘Great. Well, we accept, and quickly before you change your mind.’ Flora smiled, the skin around her eyes creasing with kindness.

‘When would you like me to start?’

‘Whenever is convenient for you, lovely.’

‘Okay, I’ll come in and make a start tomorrow then, if that’s okay?’


Nodding, Megan pulled the door open and stepped outside, the heat of the summer sun enveloping her. She grinned. She could actually help. She could actually make a difference. She was needed. For the first time in a very long time, she was needed.


Megan yawned as she pulled out another mound of paperwork from the bottom drawer beneath the counter. Yep, these were receipts too, although judging from the way some of them had begun to yellow and curl at the corners, they might well be from years ago.

The bell above the door tinkled, announcing someone’s arrival. That would likely be Flora. She’d said she wouldn’t be long and would come back to talk Megan through the charity’s monthly spend. Reaching up, she placed the pile of receipts on the counter before watching them flutter down to the floor.