‘Yes, yes.’ Megan pointed behind her. ‘I’m just going to pop to the loo, but I’ll definitely be back in time for that coffee.’

Jay nodded.

Turning, she rushed out into the reception area and the small bathroom.


Megan closed the bathroom door behind her and made her way back to the kitchen. She could hear Flora and Alex talking, perhaps Sally too. Yes, Sally had definitely arrived.

Lifting her arm above her head, she sniffed her armpit tentatively. She might not have changed her clothes since yesterday morning, but at least the deodorant seemed to be working.

When she pushed open the kitchen door, Cindy trotted towards her to greet her.

‘Morning, Megan.’ Alex grinned.

‘Hi.’ After fussing Cindy, Megan sat down next to Ginny and opposite Jay.

‘Here’s your coffee.’ Jay smiled at her as he slid the mug across the table.

‘Great, thanks.’ As she took a sip of the warm drink, she noticed a plate of biscuits in the middle of the table, and her stomach growled as if to remind her it wasn’t satisfied with her dismal dinner of crisps yesterday and no breakfast today.

‘Is that your stomach?’ Alex looked at her and laughed.

‘Yep.’ She grinned. ‘I didn’t have time for breakfast this morning.’

‘Ouch, I don’t know how you do that, skip breakfast. I need my breakfast in the morning or I’m super grouchy.’ Alex passed her the plate of biscuits.

‘And don’t we know it?’ Ginny raised her eyebrows.

‘Oi! I’m not that bad!’ Alex swatted away the accusation.

‘Now, now, you two.’ Flora chuckled and looked towards the door as Percy came in.

‘Have I missed something?’ he asked, glancing around the room and frowning.

‘No, no, just Alex and Ginny bickering as usual.’ Flora stood up. ‘Coffee?’

‘Oh, nothing out of the ordinary, then.’ Percy walked across the room towards Flora. ‘I’ll get it, love. Anyone else?’

A chorus of ‘no thank you’s filled the room.

Swallowing the last of her biscuit, Megan looked at the plate again, trying to decide whether it would appear rude if she took another. She hadn’t actually asked if she was supposed to be giving Flora any money towards the coffee and biscuits or not. She should have.

Looking away from the biscuits, instead, she took another sip of coffee. She couldn’t ask now – what would she do if the answer was yes? – but she’d ask when she received her first wage. If she ever did get a job, that was.

‘What do you think, Megan?’

Focusing on the conversation in the room again, Megan looked across at Ginny, who had spoken.

‘Sorry, I was miles away. What do I think about what?’

‘Coming on a walk with the two new greyhounds? I thought we could take them around the village, see how they interact with people and other dogs.’

‘Yes, that sounds good. I should really get on with the books, though.’

‘Oh, that can wait,’ Flora said. ‘Get out and enjoy the sunshine while you can. Summer won’t last forever.’ She lowered her mug and stood up. ‘Right, where’s Cindy got to?’

Everyone looked under the table and laughed as they spotted the large greyhound flopped out across the kitchen tiles, the length of her almost filling the spot beneath the table.