Taking a deep breath, Megan nodded. She’d offered now. She couldn’t very well back out of it.

‘Yes, why not?’

‘Oh, love, that would be wonderful of you.’ Percy drew her in for a hug. ‘Thank you!’

‘You’re welcome.’

Megan watched as Percy made his way back through the gate and across the courtyard. Trying to become Wagging Tails’ matchmaker would at least take her mind off her own dismal love life, or lack of it.


‘Aw, you two really are beauties, aren’t you?’ Megan grinned at the two now-retired race greyhounds and fed them both another treat through the bars of their kennel.

‘They sure are, aren’t they?’ Ginny closed Ralph’s kennel door and joined her. ‘I took them on a wander down to the cove when they were first brought in earlier and they’re so good on the lead, too.’

‘Are they? That’s good. I would have expected them to be tugging and trying to run after anything they spotted.’

‘No, I think they’re so well trained in that respect. I suppose they have to be at the racetracks. All the ones we have in have always been super good on the lead.’

Ginny took two treats from her pocket and gave them to the pair.

‘Hopefully, they’ll be rehomed quickly then. Will they be rehomed together?’

‘I don’t know. We find greyhounds so tricky to rehome. The cute little dogs and the puppies are always snapped up but not many want a large dog like a greyhound, plus people see their long legs and hear they’re ex-racers and think they need a ton of exercise and will be on the go all the time.’ Ginny shrugged.

‘And all they want is a comfy sofa or bed to lie on and short walks?’

‘Exactly. They don’t even need as long a walk as many other dog breeds. Greyhounds make the perfect companion; it’s just not how they’re perceived.’ Ginny stroked each of them in turn through the bars of their door before turning and leading the way down the corridor. ‘In a perfect world, they’d be rehomed together as they’ve been together their entire lives, sharing a kennel at the racetracks, but two perfect homes are better than none.’

‘That’s true. At least it sounds as though they’ll be easier to rehome than Cindy.’

‘Oh yes.’ Ginny nodded as she pulled the door into the reception area open, and Cindy tilted her head, looking at them from the makeshift kennel in the cupboard as though she realised they were talking about her. Laughing, Ginny went across to her and slipped her a treat. ‘Don’t worry, you’re gorgeous too, Cindy.’

Megan smiled as she fussed over the large greyhound. ‘She really is, isn’t she?’

‘You just need to learn how to be left on your own for even a millisecond and you’d make someone a wonderful companion too, wouldn’t you?’ Ginny fussed over her before pulling her car keys from her pocket. ‘Right, I’d better be off. I promised Darryl I’d meet him half an hour ago.’


Ginny laughed. ‘It’s a good job he knows what I’m like. See you in the morning.’

‘Yes, bye. Have a nice evening.’

‘You too.’

The bell above the door tinkled as Ginny left.

‘Is that you, Megan?’ Flora called through from the kitchen.

Aha. That was why Cindy hadn’t been crying when she and Ginny had been in the kennels then; she must have heard Flora in the kitchen.

Following Flora’s voice, Megan called out and made her way to the kitchen, where she paused at the end of the table.

Flora placed two mugs on the table before sitting down in her chair. ‘Here, come and have a cuppa if you’ve got time?’

‘Thanks.’ Megan sat down and pulled the mug towards her.

‘I thought we could have a catch up. How are things going with you?’