Sticking his fingers in his mouth, Percy whistled and waited until Cindy had paused, tilted her head and ran towards him before leaning down and fussing over her.
‘There’ll be someone out there for you, won’t there? You’re such a gentle sweetheart.’
‘She is.’
‘You know what, I don’t actually know if I believe all this talk about her having destroyed a brand-new sofa. She’s never so much as touched the stuff in her makeshift kennel and I know she’s rarely left alone, but on the occasions she is, we’ve always come back to a clean kennel.’
‘You think that was a lie then?’
‘I think they were trying to justify why they were returning her.’ Percy frowned. ‘We get that sometimes. People make out the dogs’ behaviour was worse than it actually was, usually so they don’t feel as guilty bringing their dogs in. All well and good for them, but then when it comes to adopting the poor dogs out, the guidelines are stricter to who we can and can’t because we’ve been told this or that about them.’
Megan frowned. One lie or even embellishment of the truth could really affect a dog’s life going forward then. She hadn’t really thought about it like that. She looked across as Cindy ran to the end of the paddock and back, her long elegant legs giving her the look of a ballerina. Hopefully, what her previous owners had told Flora wouldn’t have much of an effect on her chances going forward.
‘Anyway, I wondered if I might have a little word?’ Lowering his voice, Percy stepped closer to Megan.
‘Oh right. Yes, of course.’
What did Percy want to talk to her about? Had she done something wrong?
‘You’re new here, so somewhat impartial, would you say?’
‘Umm, I guess so.’ Megan shrugged.
‘Good, good. Now, you were there in the kitchen a few minutes ago. How did you take what was being said?’
What was being said? About Lyle? And Ginny’s awful ex? She grimaced. The last person she wanted to talk about was Lyle. Again.
‘About awful exes?’
Percy chuckled. ‘No, the opposite, in fact. The talk about finding love again.’ Looking down, Percy loosened a stone from the dry dirt at his feet. ‘Of course, it’s different for Flora. She and Arthur were the perfect couple. It was clear they loved each other, to anyone who knew them.’
‘Okay.’ Megan nodded. ‘I think Ginny was saying that she was glad she gave Darryl a chance after her experience with her ex. I guess she meant that she could have turned her back on ever trying to find love again because of the way her ex had treated her.’ Megan watched Cindy slow to a stop, drooping her head at the water bowl. Ginny had found love after Jason. Maybe there was hope for her, too. Although she knew she’d completely blown it with Jay. And she knew that had been her fault for not being open and honest. She sighed and shook her head. She just hoped they could at least get back to how things had been between them before they’d gone on that date, before they’d had that kiss. If all she could have with him was friendship, then she’d take it.
‘And Flora?’
Megan chewed on her bottom lip as she tried to think back to the conversation. ‘I think Flora was saying she regrets not letting someone else into her life again. I think. I might be wrong, though; I don’t know her that well.’
‘Thank you.’ Percy nodded slowly; lost in his thoughts as he finally freed the stone with the toe of his boot.
‘Can I ask why you’re asking?’ Megan looked at him. His ears were tinged red and his expression thoughtful.
‘I’ve never heard her talk like that before. Hinting that she’d even think about courting again, I mean.’ Percy shifted position, holding his hand above his eyes to shield the sun as he watched Cindy. When he spoke his voice was hoarse. ‘It made me wonder whether she really would be open to being asked to step out. By me, I mean.’
Megan smiled. She had been right. Percy did have feelings for Flora. And by all accounts, Flora acted as though the feelings might be reciprocated, too.
‘You can only ask.’
‘Aye, I could, but we’ve been friends for years and I’ve been working here, helping her out with this place for over thirty-five now. I don’t want to jeopardise any of that.’ Percy shook his head.
‘But if you don’t ask, you’ll never know.’
‘No, I don’t suppose I will.’ Percy sighed. ‘I suppose some things are best left unsaid though, aren’t they?’
‘Do you want me to try to speak to her? See if I can figure out if she feels the same way?’ Megan grimaced as soon as the words left her mouth. How was she supposed to do that?
Percy turned to her, his face relaxing again. ‘You’d do that?’