‘You’re staying at Honeysuckle Bed and Breakfast in Trestow, aren’t you?’ Flora asked. ‘Nice place, that is. We had a couple come down from Norfolk to adopt one of our pups a couple of years back and after they’d explained to the owner what they were doing, she let them stay a couple of nights with their new addition.’ Flora helped Ginny hand out the mugs. ‘Hattie, her name was. A gorgeous little toy poodle.’
‘Oh, I remember her. Had a bark on her as loud as a Great Dane, she did.’ Percy took a sip of his drink.
‘No, that was the terrier who came in with her, Teeny. Hattie was as quiet as a mouse, bless her.’
‘That’s right. I remember her now.’ Percy smiled at Flora before turning to Megan. ‘Must be nice having your breakfast cooked for you each morning, love.’
‘Uh-huh.’ Megan shifted in her seat. She needed to think of something to say that would change the conversation topic. She shuffled her papers together, her mind completely blank.
‘Have you heard from him again?’ Flora spat the word ‘him’ with venom.
Great, the focus was still on her, and the topic had worsened. She knew exactly who Flora was referring to. What was she supposed to say? Say no and downright lie, again, or tell the truth? She couldn’t tell the truth.
‘Only briefly to sort something out.’
‘I hope he’s not bothering you?’ Flora frowned.
Megan crossed her legs, her knee hitting the underneath of the table, and wrapped her hands around her mug. ‘He won’t be.’
‘Good, good.’
Ginny looked across at her and smiled sympathetically. ‘Exes, hey? My ex was horrendous too. Even tried to sack Darryl. Well, technically he did, but then he was the one booted out and Darryl took over his job.’
Megan grimaced. ‘Oh, that doesn’t sound good.’
‘No, it wasn’t.’ Ginny looked down into her mug before looking back up at Megan and grinning. ‘But don’t let Lyle put you off. If I had given up after Jason, then I wouldn’t have what I have with Darryl now.’
Megan could almost feel Jay’s eyes on her. Well, that bridge had well and truly burnt down, hadn’t it?
‘I agree,’ Flora added. ‘After my Arthur passed away, I threw myself into this place and the dogs I rescued, but I sometimes wonder how my life would have turned out if I’d let someone else in.’ She frowned as she spoke, before shaking her head and looking into her mug. ‘Of course, they’d have to have been as crazy for dogs as me, so I suppose that was always going to be limiting.’
‘Yes, that’s true.’ Ginny looked directly at Percy and raised her eyebrows.
Shifting in his chair, Percy cleared his throat, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse. ‘I’m sure you could have had the pick of the bunch, still can.’
Shaking her head, Flora chuckled. ‘I think that bus passed by a long time ago, don’t you?’
‘I don’t think that bus ever has to pass, so to speak.’ Percy picked up his mug and took a long gulp of coffee.
Megan looked from Percy to Flora and back again. Was there something going on there? That was the second time she’d picked up those sorts of vibes from the two of them.
‘Right, well, we’ve got Greg dropping off the two greyhounds from the racetrack in half an hour, so I’m going to double-check their kennel is ready.’ Flora stood up, mug in hand. ‘Ginny, are you okay taking Cindy out please, lovely? I think it’s probably for the best to let the two newbies settle into their kennel without her crying as soon as I take them through and leave her alone.’
‘Oh, I’ve got that home visit for Splash. Sorry.’
‘Of course you have. How could I forget?’
‘I can take her out for a bit if you like?’ Megan downed the dregs of her coffee. ‘I could do with getting away from the computer screen for a while.’
‘That would be lovely, thank you. I think both the paddocks are empty at the moment, so you have the choice of either.’ Flora smiled.
‘She quite likes playing with the agility equipment in the bottom paddock.’ Ginny stood up and took her mug over to the dishwasher.
‘Great, I’ll take her there then.’
As she pushed herself to standing, Megan was grateful for the escape from the kitchen. It looked as though Jay was getting his lunch from the fridge and the last thing she needed right now was to be stuck in the room with him, trying to make polite conversation after yesterday.
‘That’s it, Cindy. Great job!’ Megan cheered as Cindy made her way through the weave poles, her long body arching this way and that as she made it to the end.