Why had he just left instead of seeing if she was okay? Why hadn’t he waited another two minutes until she’d reached him?
She turned back to Flora. ‘A coffee sounds good, thanks.’
‘All right, love?’ Percy held the door open, letting the two of them through. ‘Looks as though you sent him on his way. Good for you.’
She hadn’t. He’d left on his own accord.
Megan glanced behind her back out into the courtyard. ‘Where did Jay go?’
‘Oh, he said he had to go and finish off levelling the ground for Susan.’ Percy shrugged and shut the door. ‘He could have waited a few minutes, if you ask me.’
‘Right.’ Sitting down at the kitchen table, Megan set the pieces of envelope and divorce papers in front of her.
‘Here you go. Get that down you.’ Flora placed a mug of steaming coffee in front of her. ‘I’ll just take this out to Jay and be right back.’
‘I’ll take it, love.’ Percy took the mug from her.
Megan stood up and held her hand out. ‘I’ll take it. I could do with a bit of fresh air.’
Nodding, Percy passed her the mug.
She walked quickly through the kitchen and into the reception area, before stepping outside, the heat a barrier of warmth as it hit her. She needed to speak to Jay. She needed to know why he’d just walked away without even checking how she was.
As she walked across the courtyard towards him, she glanced back towards the gate and the lane beyond, half expecting to see Lyle still standing watching her.
Of course, he wasn’t. But now he knew she was volunteering here nothing would stop him turning up as and when he wished. He didn’t know where she was staying though. Did he? She took a deep, shuddering breath – this would be it now, she’d always be looking out for him, looking over her shoulder, searching the streets. West Par was no longer her safe haven, her new start.
Stopping a few feet away from Jay, she watched as he plunged his shovel into the ground, the dirt in front of him darker than the rest, the hose lying by his feet.
He glanced at her before pulling the shovel back and throwing the loose mud to the side.
‘Flora made you a coffee.’
‘Thanks, just pop it down there, please?’ He indicated to the slabs behind her.
After placing it down, she began to walk away before pausing and turning back. She couldn’t work out if he just wanted to get the ground levelled or if he was being off with her. It certainly felt as though he was dismissing her. But why? Was it because of the kiss? Had it been a mistake? But he’d made the first move. He’d been the one to instigate it. No, it couldn’t be the kiss. So was it Lyle?
‘Yes?’ He turned and looked at her, his forehead creased, his eyes hooded.
‘Why…? Have I done something wrong?’
After laying the shovel against the wheelbarrow to his right, he plunged his hand into his pocket. ‘Percy told me that Lyle is your ex.’
‘That’s right.’
‘The man who tried to demolish Wagging Tails in order to build a housing development.’
‘Yes, he is. Percy is right.’
That’s what it was. He thought she’d been involved.
She took a step towards him, flinching as he inched backwards. ‘I didn’t have anything to do with it, though. I didn’t even know his plans, not at first, and when I realised what he was up to, what he’d done, I worked with Sally’s partner, Andy, to stop him.’
He nodded.