‘Umm…’ Megan smiled and dipped her hands into the warm sea. ‘Scotland.’
‘Scotland? Not Bali or the Bahamas or even Alaska? Scotland?’
‘Yep. I’ve never been, and I’ve heard so much about it. About how stunning the countryside is, how beautiful Edinburgh is. I’d love to explore the history of Edinburgh too. Take a tour around that underground street, you know the one I mean?’ Her eyes lit up as she spoke about it. ‘Oh, and drive out into the middle of nowhere just to see the view.’
‘That does sound wonderful.’ Jay grinned. ‘Scotland is a rather magical place.’
‘Have you been? My parents went there on their honeymoon and I can’t remember the number of times I looked through their old photo album, wishing they’d take me.’ She tucked her hair behind her ears, little droplets of seawater dripping onto her cheeks from her hand as she did so.
They’d planned to go when she’d turned eighteen – a big birthday and a big holiday – only she’d gone and met Lyle three months before and he’d organised a party at his local pub instead. She’d been head over heels in love and so touched that he’d organise something like that for her that she’d insisted they postpone their Scottish holiday until her next birthday. By then, though, she and her parents hardly saw each other.
‘Are you okay?’ Jay walked towards her, the water splashing around his shins as he did so.
She smiled, a short, sad smile. ‘I am. I was just thinking about my parents. They were going to take me for my eighteenth only plans got changed at the last minute.’ She shook her head and focused on him again. ‘How about you? Where would you go on holiday?’
‘Oh, that’s easy. I’d stay here.’ Jay met her eyes.
Opening and closing her mouth, Megan then laughed. ‘I don’t know if that’s allowed!’
‘Ah, I guess it’s cheating a little, isn’t it?’ Chuckling, he glanced around the cove. ‘West Par just has all the ingredients for the perfect getaway, but okay, if I had to choose somewhere else, I’d probably choose somewhere like Lanzarote, I think. I’ve always wanted to see their rust-coloured beaches.’
‘Fair enough. It’s a good choice.’ Lanzarote had been a firm favourite of Lyle’s and hers, but Jay was right, West Par did have all the ingredients of the perfect holiday, and the bonus was there didn’t seem to be many tourists.
‘I suppose we should probably be getting back. Flora will be sending out a search party soon if we don’t.’ Jay made a face.
‘Yes, you’re probably right.’ Megan checked her watch. ‘We’ve been an hour and a half! Where did that time go?’
‘It’s a good job we’re not employed, isn’t it? Or else we’d likely be getting the sack.’ He grinned.
‘Ha ha, you’re right. Not that I can imagine Flora sacking anyone.’
‘No, we might be lucky. She does seem to be the perfect boss. In fact, Wagging Tails is likely one of the best places to work.’ He stepped out of the water and rolled his trouser legs down. ‘It seems like a little family rather than anything else.’
‘Absolutely. I’m really enjoying volunteering there.’
As she walked back onto the sand, Megan brushed as much of it off her wet skin as she could before rolling down the legs of her jeans. She smoothed the fabric down just as Jay tripped beside her. Putting her arm out, she grabbed hold of his forearm to steady him and held it while he found his footing again.
‘Thank you.’ Jay chuckled. ‘I’m not even sure what I tripped over. My own feet probably!’
Megan grinned. ‘As long as you’re okay. You can’t break any bones, not when we’ve got to finish digging out the foundations.’
‘Ha ha, you’re right.’ He looked down at his arm, where Megan’s hand was still gripping it.
‘Sorry.’ As she drew her hand away, she could feel the tingle of embarrassment streak across her face.
‘Hey, don’t be sorry.’ Jay looked at her, their eyes locking. ‘You just about saved my life there.’
Megan snorted. ‘As if.’
‘Well, thank you again.’
And with that, the moment passed.
Megan tugged on her trainers; her face still tingling with heat. What had that been about? She glanced across at him quickly as he lowered himself to the sand, pulling on his own trainers. Had that been ‘a moment’? The ‘moment’, the ‘spark’ which every single romance film she’d grown up with portrayed?