‘I bet she’ll love that.’
‘Yes, she’s always been a dog lover. Keeps begging me to get one. Apparently, Patrick is allergic, so her mum can’t have one.’
‘Ah, it’s down to you then?’ Megan smiled as she slipped the shovel into the ground again.
‘It appears to be.’ Jay chuckled. ‘The only issue is I’m between jobs at the moment, so I won’t be able to make a decision like that until I know where I’ll be working and my hours and all that.’
‘Is that why you’re able to spend all this time here, then? Because you’re between jobs?’
Megan paused and studied his face. A bead of sweat clung to the side of his forehead. She smiled; Lyle would never have done anything like this. He might have trained as a builder, but she couldn’t remember him ever getting his hands dirty and pitching in if his team were up against a tight deadline.
Pausing, Jay leaned against his shovel and looked at her. ‘Yes. I didn’t fancy spending all my time at home. I hate how quiet it is when Mia isn’t there. Too quiet.’
Megan could see the sadness in his eyes. It must be even worse for him splitting from his ex, she couldn’t imagine having children and living with them full-time one moment and not the next.
‘That must be really difficult.’
Jay sighed. ‘Yes, it is. But we make the most of our Fridays and Saturdays together.’
‘I bet.’
‘How about you then? Are you between jobs, too?’
Megan scrunched up her nose. Should she be honest?
‘Kind of. I’ve not been employed for over ten years. I quit my job when me and my ex settled down.’ She shrugged. ‘I did a little of the bookkeeping for his company.’
‘And now you’ve split up, you’ve lost your job too, then?’
‘Yes.’ She frowned.
Lyle had never really viewed her as an employee of his. He’d mostly just called on her when he’d needed her. And he definitely hadn’t been honest regarding the company. He hadn’t relinquished all of his financial information to her. That was for sure.
‘We’re both in a similar position, then?’ Jay said.
‘Yes, I guess we are.’
‘How’s it going?’ Flora called from across the courtyard.
Jay waited until Flora had reached them before speaking. ‘All good. I think we’re making a dent.’
Flora smiled. ‘It looks as though you’re making more than a dent.’
‘It’s a slow job in this heat, but we’ll get there.’
‘How’s Percy?’ Megan asked.
‘Oh, he’s still in pain, not that he’d admit anything of the sort, of course. I’ve finally managed to convince him to let me drive him home.’
‘That’s good then. Hopefully, a good rest will help.’
‘I hope so, yes.’ Flora nodded. ‘He’s as stubborn as they come and a terribly lousy patient, so I know he’ll be kicking himself for getting injured.’ She glanced back towards the reception area. ‘Will you two be okay if I take him home? I’ll have to strike while the iron’s still hot, so to speak, or he’ll change his mind again and insist that he’s okay.’
‘Yes, of course.’ Megan nodded. They were busy out here, so as long as no one came looking for a dog to adopt, they’d be fine.
‘Okay, great. We’re not expecting anyone, and Sally and Alex are in the paddocks. Plus, Ginny will probably be back from the suppliers soon enough.’ Flora hitched her sleeve up and checked her watch.
‘No worries. See you soon.’ Jay picked up his shovel again.