‘It sure does,’ Susan said, joining the conversation. ‘Malcolm has a summer house in his back garden that is the same sort of thing, and it’s super toasty, even in the winter.’
‘He was telling me about that,’ Ginny said. ‘It sounded nice and the kennels we’re getting are going to be a lifeline for so many dogs.’
‘Exactly. And this is what’s so great about having two more people on board on a regular basis.’ Flora glanced at Megan and then Jay. ‘At least for the moment, anyway. I know realistically we can’t expect you both to volunteer here full time forever but, and I know I speak for everyone here, we’re very grateful that you’ve decided to dedicate the free time you have now to Wagging Tails. Very grateful.’
‘Here. Here.’ Percy raised his mug as a stream of coffee sloshed down the side.
‘Careful.’ Standing up, Flora moved to tear a sheet of kitchen roll from the roll by the kettle, which she passed across to Percy.
‘Thanks, love.’ After mopping the puddle of coffee which had collected on the table, he wiped the side of his mug. ‘It’s true, though, what Flora’s saying, we’re grateful you’re giving your time to help the dogs in our care.’
‘You’re very welcome.’ Jay lowered his mug to the table. ‘After I read the article in the paper about what you’d all gone through at the hands of that awful man, Luke – no, Lyle, was it? – I knew what I wanted to do with my time off.’
Lyle? A newspaper article? Megan’s stomach dropped. His attempt at closing down Wagging Tails to make way for his housing development had been in the paper? As she kept her eyes fixed on her coffee mug, Megan could feel the fierce rush of heat flooding across her face. Jay didn’t know who she was, did he?
She held her breath, waiting for someone to tell him, waiting for the disgusted look, the disapproving stare, as though she were guilty by default because she’d been with Lyle.
‘Oh, that’s all in the past now.’ Flora’s voice cut through the silence. ‘Back to the list of tasks we need to do to get ready for the build.’
But Jay continued, not taking the hint. ‘It must have been such a worrying time. How awful for a developer like that, someone who, I imagine, would have a lot of money anyway, to then use such underhand tactics to try to force a charity out of their home.’
Jay shook his head, the flush of anger coursing across his face.
Megan swallowed, a hard lump stuck in her throat. She knew it hadn’t been her fault. She hadn’t even known what Lyle had been up to until the last minute, and she definitely hadn’t approved when she’d discovered what he’d been planning. She’d stopped him. Eventually. With the help of Andy.
She focused on a tiny coffee granule stuck to the rim of her mug. She’d helped. She’d done all she could.
‘It’s in the past, Jay.’ Flora spoke, her voice quiet but firm as she pushed the sheet of paper into the middle of the table. ‘And this is our future. Take a look, everyone. In two weeks we’ll have enough space for four more pups.’
Susan shifted in her chair and peered at the plan. ‘It does look amazing.’
With her hands now tightly clasped in her lap, Megan glanced across at Jay, averting her eyes almost as soon as she looked at him. He had pushed his chair back and was standing, leaning across the table to get a better look at the plan. What if he did know who she was? What if he’d brought Lyle’s name up to see her reaction? To shame her even? But if that was the case, why hadn’t he mentioned it earlier? He’d waited until everyone was here to express how he felt. What must he think of her?
‘Take a look, Megan.’ Susan patted her forearm and pointed towards the plan.
Closing her eyes for a moment, Megan tried to clear her mind, to push all thoughts of Lyle and what he had done away. Jay’s comments may have made it clear how he felt towards her, or if he didn’t know already, how he would feel when he found out, but everyone else had welcomed her with open arms. She needed to focus on that.
Opening her eyes again, she smiled at Susan and focused on the plan. ‘Yes, it looks amazing.’
‘I’m guessing we need to clear the area so the builders can lay the foundations?’ Susan sat back in her chair.
‘I’ll be doing that.’ Percy crossed his arms. ‘Laying the foundations.’
‘Yes, so the area needs to be cleared of grass and dug down a little too.’
Megan sat quietly as Flora explained the tasks that needed to be completed before the new kennels arrived. Every so often, she heard Jay speak, asking questions about this or that, his voice friendly. That’s how he’d spoken to her yesterday and earlier this morning, so why had he talked so much about Lyle?
Surely, he’d have known how uncomfortable it would have made her feel, but then Megan had to stop her thoughts from spiralling. Shaking her head, she reminded herself that he might not have realised yet who she was.
‘Megan?’ Flora placed her hand on her shoulder. ‘The meeting is over now.’
Megan blinked and looked around the kitchen as Susan, Jay and Ginny filed out of the door whilst Alex and Percy loaded the used mugs into the dishwasher. In front of her, Sally was opening a folder.
‘Sorry, I was miles away.’
‘I know you were, lovely.’