Luke’s nostrils flare. “That shit is exactly why we exist.” He bumps me, ever so slightly, with his shoulder. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
We continue walking, the shadows closing in around us. But I'm not scared. Not with Luke here. His presence is reassuring, and I can tell he's vigilant. If anything happens, he won't hesitate to protect me.
Finally, we reach the door to my dorm, the warm lights and the sounds of students inside welcoming me home.
"This is my stop," I say, turning to face Luke. Now that we're in a well-lit area, he stands out like a sore thumb among all the people my age. A sexy, rough thumb. Something pulls deep in my stomach when I meet his eyes and see the barely-stoked embers burning in them. Heat … for me?
"Thanks again," I continue, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "I really appreciate it."
"Anytime," he says, his deep voice sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine. There's a hint of amusement in his tone, though, and I have the feeling he's laughing at me.
"Seriously," I insist. "I mean it."
"I know." His expression softens. "I'm happy to help, Emma."
Hearing him say my name sends another delicious thrill through me. It's like his voice is directly linked to my nervous system, and every word he speaks sets off a chain reaction of sensations.
"Well, see you around, maybe…?" I fumble for the doorknob, flustered and confused by the intensity of my reaction to him.
"Yes, Emma. I’ll see you around," he replies, nodding once and then turning to walk away.
As I watch him go, I can't help but admire his tall, powerful frame, the way his broad shoulders fill out his leather jacket, and the confident swagger in his stride. My heart is pounding, and there's a fluttering sensation deep in my stomach. I've never felt this way before, like my whole body is humming with electricity and my senses are on high alert.
What is wrong with me? It's like he has some kind of magical hold on me, and I can't resist his pull.
Just as I'm about to turn and walk inside, Luke stops and glances back over his shoulder. Our eyes meet, and the air is suddenly thick with tension. His gaze is intense, full of heat and desire, and I can feel my cheeks burning under his stare.
And then, as quickly as it came, the moment is gone. Luke gives me a small, subtle nod before continuing on his way. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
My phone buzzes, and I jump. Fumbling it out of my pocket, I see a text from my roommate, Sarah, asking where I am. I quickly type back a response, letting her know I'll be inside soon, and take a deep breath to steady myself.
It's like Luke has cast some kind of spell over me, and I don't know how to break free. All I can think about is him—his deep, soothing voice, his powerful presence, the way my heart races when he looks at me. And the electricity that crackles between us, so potent and all-consuming, feels like a living thing, a force of nature that can't be denied.
What is happening to me? I met him like ten minutes ago!
I hurry inside, and Sarah is waiting for me in our small apartment, looking worried. We lucked out and got one of the two-bedroom dorms, giving us at least a little bit of privacy.
"Where have you been?" she demands, getting up and fussing over me as I close the door. "I was worried sick! You’re never out after dark!”
"I'm sorry," I say, shrugging my backpack off my shoulders. "I was studying in the library and lost track of time."
Sarah studies me closely. "Are you okay? You look a little flustered."
"Yeah, I'm fine." Dropping my things by the door, I make my way inside. Soon enough, I’m sinking onto the old couch in the living room and sighing, trying to shake the strange sensations I felt when Luke and I touched. "It's just been a long night."
Sarah sits down next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I just had the craziest thing happen," I tell her. "I was walking back here alone after dark, and then I met this guy, and he offered to walk me home. Well, I asked, and then he offered … but still.”
"Wait, what?" Sarah raises an eyebrow. "Why would you ask a random man to walk with you? Was it one of those frat guys who are always hitting on girls on campus? They're so gross."
"No, he wasn't a student," I say, shaking my head. "He's a biker."
Sarah gasps. "A biker? Are you serious? Like … motorcycle type of bike, right? Or the Tour de France?"
"The former, obviously," I reply with a small smile. "He" The fact that Luke's bike club is all grown men years older than my roommate and me hits me, and suddenly I'm sheepish, afraid of her judgment. "He was an Iron Guardian."
"Whoa." Sarah's eyes go wide. "The motorcycle club?"