After class, and a few hours after my unexpected encounter with Luke, Sarah and I are studying for the exam tomorrow. We're sitting at a table in the library, and I'm trying to focus, I really am. But my mind keeps drifting back to last night. To the way Luke's lips had felt against mine and the heat of his body pressed against me.
I can't stop thinking about it. And the worst part is, I can't stop wanting more. I've never felt like this, and it's really throwing me through a loop.
I'm jolted out of my thoughts by the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. Startled, I look up to see Sarah staring down at me, a concerned look on her face.
"You okay?" she asks, her voice soft. "You've been staring off into space for the last few minutes."
I blush, embarrassed to have been caught daydreaming. "Sorry, I guess I'm just a little distracted."
Sarah arches an eyebrow. "I can see that. Anything you want to talk about?"
I hesitate. I know I can trust Sarah, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to share the details of my afternoon. Not that I think I can keep it a secret long, considering I let Luke make out with me right in front of my residence hall.
"It's nothing," I lie. "I'm just tired, that's all."
Sarah doesn't look convinced, but she lets it go.
"Well, we should probably take a break anyway. It's getting late, and we have that exam tomorrow morning."
I nod, grateful for the excuse to change the subject. I start packing up my things, but before I can head back to the dorm, Sarah grabs my arm.
"Oh no, you're not getting off that easy," she chastises with a grin. "What's going on with you? And don't try to tell me it's nothing because I know you better than that."
I sigh. I should have known I wouldn't be able to hide my feelings from Sarah for long. She can always read me like a book, and she's not about to let me off the hook now.
"Okay, okay. You got me." I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what I'm about to confess. "It’s about a guy.”
"A guy?" Sarah repeats, her eyes widening in surprise. "The same guy from last night, right? Luke? I knew it!"
I can feel my cheeks heating up. "How did you know?"
"He's the first guy you've mentioned since Jason, Emma. It wasn't hard to put two and two together. How did you end up seeing him again so soon?"
"I ran into him on campus, and he offered to walk me home. Again." I reply. "Then, I sort of invited him to pick me up tomorrow.”
I skip telling her about the heated kiss, but Sarah gives me a knowing look. "You mean on a date? Or maybe a romantic ride under the moonlight?"
Feeling my face turn red, I nod, and she laughs. I smile sheepishly. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
"Hey, I'm not judging," Sarah says, holding up her hands. "I think it's great that you're finally taking an interest in guys again. Plus, don't think that I didn't hear about your little kiss out in front of the dorms earlier. I’ve just been waiting for you to fess up.”
I let my head fall onto the table in front of me, groaning. "Ugh, Sarah..."
"Remember, I have eyes everywhere." She wiggles her fingers in the air and laughs. "Come on. Let's go get some takeout and head home. Then we can plan your next move with your sexy biker."
Sarah's teasing makes me laugh, and I shake my head as we gather our things and head out of the library. It feels good to be laughing again, and I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, things are going to be okay.
As we walk across campus, Sarah links her arm with mine, and I lean into her. I'm lucky to have a friend like her, and I know she'll be there for me no matter what. The thought brings a pang of sadness as I remember Macy and the gap she left in my life. It's only over the past few years that I finally gave in and let Sarah get close to me, and I'm so glad I did. Even if sometimes I'm haunted by the terrible memories of my friend who moved away and disappeared.
My musings are cut short when a third person joins us, and Sarah immediately tenses beside me. We both stop, and I get a good look at who has decided to bother us—my ex, Jason.
"Hey, ladies," he drawls. "Nice evening, isn't it?"
"Go away, Jason." I sigh, pulling Sarah forward so we can continue on our way. "I have nothing to say to you."
Jason is persistent, though, and falls into step with us.
"Aw, come on, Emma," he pleads. "Don't be like that. I just want to talk, that's all. Haven't you missed me?"