I think about the question for a long moment. Am I okay? No, I think not, and that realization hits me hard, so hard that I have to reach up to wipe away tears. No, I am not okay. I feel so tired and so confused, and I want to just sleep until everything goes back to normal. ‘I'll kill you,’ Luke told Jason. Then that crack of something on the pavement. It's all so familiar.
My voice is small when I tell her, "No."
Sarah's expression goes hard, like it does when she knows it's time to lock in and deal with some real shit. "Okay. I'm staying at my sister's place still as you know, feeding her mean ass cats, because she's still staying in our mom's guest room as she recovers. You're coming there with me."
There's a finality to her words, and I'm overwhelmed with relief to be able to let her take control. "Yes. Thank you, Sarah." I reach over and grab her hand, squeezing it tight. "I love you."
"I love you too, girl." She smiles sadly but rolls her eyes when she glances back at Gunnar again. "Just go straight inside when we get there. I'll send our shadow on his way."
Sarah's sister doesn't live too far from Stonebridge, and her neighborhood is quaint and quiet. When we pull up, I do as Sarah says and head inside without looking back. Just as I'm about to shut the door, I hear Gunnar's bike pull in and the engine shut off as he and Sarah talk. I don't know what they say to each other, but he's still here when I shut the door and go straight for Sarah's room. I'm just in time too. She arrives not more than a minute later, shutting and locking the door behind her, and then leaning against it like it's been a long night and it isn't even ten.
"You good?" she asks me softly.
I don't answer immediately, instead letting my head thump against the wall. The sudden burst of movement reminds me how sore my neck is from all the tension. It feels like every muscle is pulled tight as a rubber band about to snap.
"Yeah," I say, trying not to think about Luke and what the Iron Guardians might be doing right now. "You?"
Sarah smiles at me. "You want something to eat? You look pale." She says the words casually, like the past hour hasn't happened at all. It's just us two besties hanging out together, like always. "There's some leftover chili in the fridge. Let's eat and watch a movie."
I agree, even though my chest hurts so badly that tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I want Luke, want to know he's okay, want to know that there isn't the blood of a murder on his hands. At the same time, his chilling words are haunting me. How can I ever look at him the same now? I just want this night to be over. "I'd love that. Thanks, Sarah. You're the best."
She waves it off as we walk towards the kitchen, as if saving me from an ugly mob and a guy with a grudge was the easiest thing in the world. "I am, and you're the best for acknowledging that."
My friend won't be gone for long, so I take advantage of the alone time, bury my face in the pillow, and cry.
Luke calls me once, but I end up turning my phone off, my pulse skyrocketing when I see his name on the screen. The impossible mix of longing for him and terror about what he might have done makes me feel crazed, and as much as I want to throw myself into his arms and forget about everything, I can't get the image of Jason being surrounded out of my mind.
My ex could be dead even now, and I wouldn't even know.
I leave my phone off till morning, sharing the bed with Sarah so I'm not alone in the dark, all of my fears working overtime from all the stress. She's such a good friend, how can I ever repay her?
Sleep is spotty and restless, but even though I get up a little after 3 AM, I still don't turn my phone on. I'm a coward, I guess. I'm not ready to face Luke or the Iron Guardians.
Padding out to the kitchen, I fill a cup with lukewarm tap water and lean against the counter to drink it, already feeling the need to get back in the room with Sarah so I'm not alone. I shift, and outside of the bay window in the living room, I see the streetlight catch on something bright and chrome.
Sarah's sister's house is in a cul-de-sac, but no one parks in the circle. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I pull the curtains aside to see what it could be. Gasping, I cover my mouth in shock when it hits me.
Outside in the cul-de-sac, eight members of the Iron Guardians are standing vigil. Silent, sitting on their bikes, and guarding the house—an impenetrable wall of bikers. I look for Luke, but he isn't among the guards, and my heart drops.
I rush back to the bedroom and turn my phone back on, ignoring Sarah's groan, and see that I have a single text. From Luke.
Luke: I understand you aren't ready to see me. Until you are, the Iron Guardians stand watch. So you know you're safe.
That's it. That's all there is. I let out a shaky breath as the phone slips out of my hands. I curl up next to my sleeping best friend, cover my mouth with my hands, and silently cry, yearning for Luke. And at the same time, afraid that things will never be the same again.
Three days and nights pass. Each night after dark, eight Iron Guardians roll up to do their silent vigil outside the house.
Luke is never with them.
Sarah is annoyed the first night but waves the odd sight off. We don't talk about Jason, or Luke, or the riot, but the subject hangs over everything I do.
Finally, on the morning of the fourth day, Sarah sighs and says, "Girl, you need to talk to your man and let him know you're okay. Those bikers out there aren't protecting us from anything, and they're scaring away everyone from the neighborhood. People think we're hiding the mafia or something."
I groan and bury my face in my hands. "I know. But I'm not sure that Luke is even mine anymore. I..." Despite how much I try to hold it back, the dam breaks. "What if the Guardians killed Jason? I'm in love with Luke, but what if he's a murderer?" I'm sobbing by the end, and Sarah sighs, coming over and pulling me into her arms. When I settle, she stands, looking like she's made up her mind about something.
"Just chill here, girl. I have a few calls to make."
Two hours later, I'm still curled up on the couch, feeling miserable for myself, when there's a knock at the door. This isn't even my house—heck, it isn't even Sarah's house—but still, my blood runs cold.