“I’m surprised you didn’t ask him to join us.”
“We’ve just been reunited. I can’t let some rando interrupt, even if he is incredibly sexy.” She watches the man leave with a wistful sigh.
The waitress approaches our table bearing a fresh tray of drinks, as well as the food we ordered. “The whole meal has been taken care of, courtesy of your ‘clumsy friend,’” she says with a slightly put-out sniff.
I can’t really blame her. She’s the one who nearly got bowled over and we get a free meal. Doesn’t seem fair. I resolve to leave her a fat tip, even as an oblivious Kat helps herself to a steaming empanada.
“Great start to our rekindled friendship, huh? Like, good omens.” She chews happily. “If only he’d stuck around for a bit.”
I scoop up an eggroll and smile. Pretty as the man was, I’m glad it’s just us.
I’ve got enough boy trouble without adding another to the mix.
“I don’t want it, Leif!” I cry. “Take it away!”
If I wasn’t so damn pissed off, the image of my hulking bodyguard blushing as I brandish a massive pink dildo like a weapon would be hilarious.
I could probably make this easier for him by putting the sex toy down, but as it turns out, I’m more of a misery-loves-company sort of gal.
If I’m suffering, he can suffer right along with me.
“Don’t you ‘Natalia’ me!” I seethe. “I don’t want his gifts. I’ve already told all of you that if Andrey sends me another gift, send them back!”
“He insists?—”
With a wordless, frustrated scream, I lob the pink dildo directly at Leif’s head.
He could catch it easily—I’ve seen the man snatch an arrow out of mid-air when he and Anatoly were shooting bows at the archery range in the backyard—but he chooses to duck instead. Guess he’s afraid of getting his hands wrapped around a wobbly pink penis. Coward.
I stomp back over to the black box I just opened and start tearing out all manner of other sex toys. “‘To help you through all the nights—’” I read off the handwritten note as I send a sapphire blue vibrator flying, “—I’m not available!”
Next goes the diamond-studded butt plug.
“Who the hell does he think he is?”
Then a small purple something that’s got me stumped.
“Does he think I can be bought? That I’m some baby oven that he can placate with expensive gifts?”
I grab the biggest bottle of lube I’ve ever seen and raise it above my head. Leif shields himself like Mt. Vesuvius is about to erupt. “We’re just following orders here, ma’am.”
“You are my bodyguard,” I remind him icily. “You should be following my orders.”
He squints at me from the open window on the patio. “That’s not exactly how it works.”
Having emptied the box of sex toys, I storm out onto the patio.
Leif scurries back a few more steps. Leonty and Olaf are already hiding way out by the pool. “If you cowards won’t stand up to him, then I will. Where is he?”