I manage to duck past both Abby and Byron on my way out. Leonty is standing just outside the building when I step onto the pavement.
“Ready?” he asks.
“I’ve literally never been more ready in my entire cursed existence.”
Chuckling, he opens the back door for me and I clamber inside the car. Olaf is in the passenger seat, but my other two bodyguards are nowhere in sight.
“Where’s the rest of the band?”
“We’re taking it in shifts,” Leonty explains. “They’re on night duty.”
I roll my eyes. “Ridiculous.”
“How was work?” Leonty asks as though he hasn’t heard me.
“Fine. I mean—no, not fine. But at least it’s over.”
“If the tall guy’s giving you any trouble, I can take care of it for you,” he offers. I frown at Leonty in the rearview mirror, so he clarifies, “The douchey one in the pinstriped shirt.”
He shudders. “Even his name is douchey.”
I cross my legs and turn to the window. “He’s harmless.”
“Not from where I was standing. He’s interested in you.”
I wave away his concern. “He’s a flirt and sometimes, he goes a little overboard. He’s actually pretty nice. And he’s a decent boss.”
“I’m sure.”
“I don’t like that tone.”
Leonty shrugs innocently. “I’d be careful there, that’s all I’m saying. Andrey’s not gonna like your friend sniffing around.”
I sit bolt upright in my seat. “Andrey can kiss my ass. I’m not his property. And I’m certainly not his girlfriend. He has no right to dictate who can or can’t ‘sniff around’ me.”
Leonty and Oleg exchange a glance.
“What?” I demand. “What was that look?”
Oleg shifts nervously. Leonty, on the other hand, gives me a carefree smile over his shoulder. “You’re new, so maybe you haven’t caught on just yet: Andrey gets what Andrey wants. Always.”
“Always,” Oleg echoes.
“Yeah, well, mark today’s date on your calendars,” I declare. “We’re making history.”
They share another amused glance.
“Screw both of you!” I cry.
“Oh, don’t get all touchy,” Leonty implores. “I’m just calling it like I see it. Things will go easier if you just accept what’s obvious to everyone else.”
Despite my best efforts, I’m curious. “Okay, I’ll bite. Tell me what’s obvious to everyone else?”
“That, whether you want to admit it or not, Andrey’s already got a hold on you.”
I’m so rattled that I don’t even respond. We spend the rest of the drive in silence. The moment we arrive at the manor, I unbuckle myself and streak out of the Escalade.