Page 51 of Emerald Malice

The nerve of that man.

You just haven’t accepted it. I’ve been repeating that in my head the entire drive to work, getting more pissed off every time.

The problem is, I’m also getting more and more turned on.

Pissed off.

Turned on.

Pissed off.

Turned on.

It’s as much of a headache as it sounds, believe me.

I’m still fuming when we pull up outside the ugly brown building that’s home to Sunshield Insurance. As soon as I step foot out of the car, my four new shadows swarm me, a wall of man-meat in every direction.

“So much for being discreet,” I mutter, loud enough for Andrey to hear.

If he notices, he gives no sign of it as he climbs out of the car.

I greet the receptionist, Marge, with a quick “Good morning” and breeze past so I don’t have to introduce her to the cavalry at my back.

Thankfully, only Leonty follows Andrey and me into the staff rooms where my desk is. But I don’t have to look around to know that every pair of eyes on the floor is directed right at Andrey and me.

Well, mostly the female eyes.

And mostly at Andrey.

Abby Whitshaw actually jumps to her feet when we pass her desk, but I keep it moving. I have zero desire to introduce her to Andrey. Particularly not in that blouse she’s decided to wear today, which is about three buttons shy of professional.

My pitiful cubicle is wedged against three others, only thin half-partitions separating us. It’s never looked more miserable than it does today.

“Well, this is it. Where the magic happens.” I point to the glass doors in the far corner. “That’s where the senior staff works. Lunchroom is through that door by the water filter and that’s the filing room. You can go now.”

Andrey doesn’t budge. “As it turns out, I’ve met your boss before. I’m sure Richard won’t mind me dropping in and saying hello.”

Richard. I cringe like a kid being dropped off at school by an embarrassing parent. “Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, don’t go in there and speak to Mr. Ewes.”

“It won’t take long.”

“Andrey. Andrey!” I turn to Leonty. “Can’t you stop him?”

He snorts. “That a trick question?”

Sinking into my swivel chair, I groan and drop my face into my palms. How the hell do I explain this to everyone else? How do I explain any of it?

“You get used to him, you know,” Leonty adds in his rumbling baritone.

I drop my hands to glare at him. “How long did it take you?”

“I’ve known Andrey my whole life. So it took me… well, pretty much my whole life.”

“Ha-ha,” I quip as Leonty snickers. I throw a nervous glance at the senior staff room. “Your whole life, huh?”

“I’m his cousin. Once removed, but it counts.”

“Does that come with perks?”