“He tried to tell me she just tripped but ran the moment I got close enough to see her injuries. He’s suspicious, if you ask me.”
She crosses her arms and stands her ground. Nathan looks between everyone in the small circle that’s formed and starts to panic a little. His face smooths into what some would call a charming smile. I call it slimy as fuck.
“Clearly there’s been a misunderstanding, officers. I’ll just go.”
“Sir, I think that’s a good idea. I’m sure someone will be in touch when the patient is awake enough to answer some questions.”
At that point, Nathan makes a beeline for the elevator, security close behind him. The officer stays and offers his card, which I take and slide into my pocket. We promise to keep in touch if there’s anything we need, and he leaves as well. Becca looks at me and Kyle.
“Will she be okay?”
Kyle nods. “The nurse thinks so. The only reason they have her in observation is due to a concussion. Everything else is bruising and soreness. Nothing else serious.”
She heaves a sigh of relief and gives us her number. We agree to call if there’s any change and pass the message to Rory that she can take off whatever time is needed. Her job isn’t going anywhere. Kyle and I settle back in with Rory as quietly as we can, and the rest of the night passes without incident.
Chapter 30
I’ve never had strong feelings about hospitals before, but after being stuck in one for almost twelve hours, I’m sympathetic to those who hate hospitals. I’m not sure how I’m going to afford this, but it’s a problem for another day. Kyle and Wes haven’t left my side, and I can’t remember the last time I felt so safe and loved. However, if Kyle doesn’t stop pacing, I’m going to kick his ass out.
“Kyle, you have to stop,” I tell him.
“I can’t help it! I’m full of pent-up energy or some shit.”
“Do you need something to do?” He slowly looks over my body and smiles seductively. “Not me!”
I laugh at the pout he gives me before seeing his own smile. Playful Kyle isn’t usually something he shows in public, so I appreciate the humor.
“I was thinking you could maybe get in touch with Morgan. Let her know I’m okay? We didn’t have any plans, but it feels like she should know. That’s what friends do, right?”
Kyle nods. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’m sure she’d want to know. I’ll send her a message. Is the officer coming soon?”
I grimace and look away. I have zero desire to talk to the police about what happened, but Kyle and Wes both felt it would be a good idea. They never pressured me, but we had a conversation about why it might help and their fears and concerns. Both of them listened to my side as well, and after I detailed out what happened to them, they reiterated the point of safety. I know they’re right; it’s just hard to talk to someone in a legal sense about it. For some reason, that makes it more real.
That was a couple of hours to go. Since then, the doctor has cleared me for discharge. The nurse agreed that I could stay until I speak with the police officer, so we’re waiting for him to show before we leave. Wes ran out earlier this morning and brought back fresh clothes for me along with coffee, and I’m grateful to be wearing something clean. Kyle steps out to call Morgan while Wes and I watch some daytime TV and wait. So far, we’ve found three men who are the father, and two who are not.
“How come we can’t thumbs down people in real life?” Wes asks.
I snort. “What?”
“They all boo and hold their thumbs down. I feel like we should be able to do that to people in real life. You get cut off on the highway and thumbs down people in protest.”
“I’m not sure if that would accomplish anything, but now I want to see you do it,” I tell him, laughing.
A knock comes from the open door, and I turn to see a police officer standing there. Wes stands to greet him with a handshake. Since I’m not technically allowed out of bed without a nurse due to hospital protocol, I hold my hand out as well to greet the officer.
“Hi, I’m officer Davies. I responded to last night’s call and Wes contacted me today to get a rundown of what happened.”
“You were here last night?” I ask.
“Yes, seems there was an altercation outside your room.”
I turn and narrow my eyes at Wes.
“I wasn’t trying to keep it from you. I’m sorry, I didn’t think.” he apologizes.
Sighing, I give him a tired smile. “Okay, I get it.”