It removes easily and I gratefully lower my arms, smiling at both of them. “Snuggle me for a few minutes. We can clean up after.”
“As you wish.” Wes winks at both of us.
We reposition our bodies together, Kyle spooning me, Wes facing me and his hand resting on Kyle’s hip. We all sigh in contentment and I can feel my heart swell. I’m not sure what I did to be so lucky, but I’m easily falling for these men and I’m not sure I want to stop it.
Chapter 17
Even though I didn’t bring any extra clothes, the guys convince me to stay the night after our fun in the bedroom. They loan me an extra T-shirt and I do a secret happy dance that theirs are big enough for me. I’m tall, and I’m not skinny, so I don’t always feel dainty. I definitely feel it in this shirt, though. We spend the rest of the evening enjoying each other’s touches and sharing parts of our lives. It’s peaceful and I savor every moment.
When I wake the next morning, I’m alone in the bed. Part of me feels a little abandoned, but I stop myself from going down that path. This is their home. They wouldn’t leave me here alone. They’re probably already up and about. Stretching, I decide to see if I can track them down. When I reach the kitchen, I see Kyle at the stove cooking and Wes leaning in the doorway, watching him. I lean against him, watching as well, and Wes winds his arm around me with a kiss on my head.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” I smile up at him.
“Did you sleep well?”
“I did! You?”
“Of course I did.” He smirks. “I had two amazing people in my bed with me. How could I not?”
I smile up at him again, and he drops another kiss to my head.
“Looks good, doesn’t he?” Wes comments, nodding at Kyle.
“Yeah, he does. Do you see that ass? You can bounce a quarter off that thing.”
“You can, I’ve done it.”
I bust out laughing and Kyle turns to us, spatula raised in the air. “Are you two talking about me?” he asks, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah,” Wes responds, a grin on his face.
“Well, come talk about me over here,” Kyle says, beckoning us over with a tilt of his head.
Wes and I each take a stool at the breakfast bar area of the kitchen and get comfortable. I look around for coffee, and sure enough, it’s right there, mugs, cream, sugar and all. I mix up a mug for myself while Wes makes his own.
“So you really bounced a quarter off his ass?” I ask Wes.
“You bet your sweet self I did!”
Kyle chuckles. “It wasn’t as spectacular as he was hoping, but I think you got one good bounce out of it, right?”
“It got pretty good height with that single bounce. I was not disappointed, that’s for sure.”
I laugh and take a sip of the hot coffee, humming in pleasure as it slides down my throat.
“Didn’t she make that same noise last night?” Kyle asks.
“Yeah she did,” Wes says with a wicked gleam in his eye.
Kyle saunters over with two plates full of food, setting one in front of each of us. Instead of grabbing his own, though, he leans on the counter and keeps his eyes on me.
“What?” I ask, looking between the food and each of the guys.
“I want to see if you make the noise again,” Kyle says with a smirk.