“Or we can show you,” Wes suggests, wiggling his eyebrows.
His hands move from Kyle’s thighs to mine before he slides them up with a soft caress. He brushes past my hips and cups my breasts, rubbing his thumb over my nipples.
“As hot as this is, we’re going to be late,” I admonish breathlessly.
“Is that really the priority here? I imagine that you’re in need now,” Wes taunts me.
I hold out a finger and start backing away. “Oh no! No you don’t! You start that and we won’t be leaving this house and I promised Charli we’d come to their backyard hangout. But I love you both.”
Wes pouts, but when he hears my second confession of love, he relents. “Love you, precious.”
“Love you,” Kyle tells me, placing a kiss on top of my head.
We throw some shoes on and head over to Charli’s. I’m still better friends with Morgan than Charli, but we’ve bonded over the months with having multiple men and she absolutely is a friend. When we arrive, there are a few cars present already, which gives me some relief. I hate being the first one to something. We walk around to the back, noting that there’s a circle of mismatched camp chairs in addition to an adorable swinging bench. Charli and Jax are sitting together on the bench, and I note that Roman, Morgan, Olivia, Courtney, two men I don’t know and a woman I don’t know, are all sitting. Perhaps we’re the last ones. I’m okay with that, too.
“You made it!” I hear Morgan squeal.
She jumps up and runs over to give me a hug, which I return enthusiastically. We hold the hug for a few extra moments.
“I told them,” I whisper to her.
“Fuck yeah you did. Well done, bitch,” she whispers back.
We part and smile at each other before heading to take up some spots in the circle.
“Thanks for having us,” I say to Charli.
Charli gives me a wide smile and before I find a seat, she gets up to give me a hug as well. She turns and introduces us to her friend Amy, her younger brother Thomas, and her older brother Graham.
“Graham! I didn’t put it together that Charli is your sister,” Kyle exclaims as he walks over to shake his hand.
“Hey! Back at you. Nice to see you out of the office,” Graham says.
“You say that like we haven’t been going for drinks,” Kyle replies.
“Feels different at my sister’s house than a bar.”
Kyle chuckles. “True enough.”
We find seats and grab some drinks, settling in for the evening. The chatter doesn’t seem to stop, and there are moments where it could easily be overwhelming, but all I feel is content. I have two men who love me and a growing group of friends. I notice the few times Charli starts to twist her fingers together, but Jax always catches her and grabs her hand, and he always gets a relieved smile in return.
“They’re fucking adorable, aren’t they?” Morgan says to me as Roman drops a kiss on Charli’s head while walking by.
“They seriously are,” I agree.
“Did Charli tell you much about their struggles?”
“Yeah, we’ve been talking a lot and swapping notes on dating two men.”
“That’s so awesome,” Morgan says with a big smile.
“I think she’s a little jealous that Roman and Jax won’t sword cross, but I told her don’t discount it. They’ve been friends long enough that they might try it someday.”
Morgan laughs. “I can’t even imagine that. When Jax and I were together, he was straight as they come. Time changes, though, and maybe he did too.”
I hold up my drink and touch it to her drink. “To sex, may it be sweaty and breathtaking!”
At that moment, I hear voices rising and look over to see Courtney and Graham bickering with each other. Courtney leans over, getting right up in Graham’s face with a fierce scowl before standing and stomping away. Graham’s head flops back in frustration and he stares at the sky.