Page 62 of Here In Your Arms

“It’s a worthy quest.” I shrug.

“Also, I’m fine. What’s the plan?”

“How do you feel about a day with Wes and Kyle?”

“Really? Awesome! Let’s go!”

“Why are you more excited about them than me?”

She taps her lip in thought. “Probably because they’re shiny and new.”

My head tips back in laughter as we start for the guys’ house. Hopefully we can cheer her up. It sounds like she is well aware of my mom’s desire to get her out of the house and I’m guessing that’s weighing on her mind. No kid wants to feel unwanted. Once we pull into the driveway, Claire all but jumps out of the car and races to the door. I follow her with a smile on my face, and she knocks rapidly on the door. Wes opens the door and pretends to peer around, looking for someone.

“Hey Rory! I heard someone knocking, but I can’t see anyone and you’re clearly too far away!”

“I’m down here!” Claire stomps her foot.

“Who said that?”


“Wait, I’m Wes. Is there another Wes here?”

“No wonder Aunt Rory likes you,” she says, trying not to smile.

Wes finally looks down at her. “Oh hey there, nugget! How ya doin’?”

“Nugget? Really?”

“Worth a shot. Come in!”

Wes finally steps back from the doorway, and I follow Claire into the house. His hand reaches out and snags my waist. Wes brings his mouth to mine as he holds me in place by the doorway. My body immediately responds and I relax, leaning into him and chasing him for more. His mouth is perfect on me, and I want to feel his tongue dipping into my mouth, massaging mine and promising me of things to come.

“EW! Aunt Rory!”

“Sorry, love, can’t help it. He’s too cute!”

Claire makes a gagging noise and I laugh, walking fully into the room while Wes shuts the door. Claire makes herself at home on the couch, looking around at all the pillows and blankets.

“It looks like your couch, Aunt Rory!”

Kyle saunters into the room at that point. “It’s just proof that your aunt is perfect for us.”

“Hi Kyle!” she chirps.

“Hey there, glad you get to join us today.”


“Of course! You’re awesome. We want to get to know you more.”

He settles next to her on the couch, and I watch as she looks at him in amazement. I’m not sure my brother has showered her with much affection in years. The older she gets, the less he and his wife are around. It doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve tried to figure it out before and never found the answer.

“So what are we doing?” Claire asks.

“Well, I was thinking maybe a board game, but I doubt that’s the kind of thing you like,” Kyle says.

“I like board games!”