Wes: I won’t make it, but you guys enjoy your afternoon delight. I’ll join in next time!
Me: See you at home babe
Wes’ playfulness almost never fails to make me smile. While I’m a bit sad he can’t join us, I’m also really looking forward to some time with just Rory and me. I haven’t really had the chance to talk to her one on one, so I’m excited by the chance.
I’ve only got an hour to go before I need to be there. Better buckle down and get a little analysis done.
The diner isn’t terribly far from the office, and I make a note to grab a slice of pie to bring home to Wes. After trying it last time, it’s definitely going to be part of my regular order, and Wes needs to experience it. As I pull in, I see Rory’s car, and my pulse picks up with excitement at the prospect of seeing her. I knew it was happening, obviously, but being in the moment and knowing she’s here is making things more real and exciting. I find her in a booth to my right when I walk in, and she waves me down.
My eyes are locked on hers as I slide in across from her. I had a moment of indecision while walking, torn between feeling her body next to mine or seeing her green eyes, and the eyes won out. If it’s just the two of us, I want to see her face as I get to know her. There will be plenty of time to learn her body in the future if things go according to my plans.
“Hey there, beautiful. How are you today?” I ask as I settle in.
“Better now,” she says with a smile. “How about you?”
“Same. I was so happy that you suggested lunch. I’m excited to see you.”
“Yeah! I was hoping Wes could come too, but I think this will be nice. We haven’t really had any alone time.”
“Yeah, I know you and Wes had a bit of that, so I’m excited to have mine. I was the same, a little bummed to miss Wes, but excited to see you.” She smiles and blushes a little. “So, I have a confession to make,” I tell her.
“What?” She looks a little alarmed.
“I have only ever had the coffee here except when I had pie one time.”
She laughs brightly, and as cheesy as it is, my heart skips a beat at hearing it. This is a happy, carefree laugh, and I have a feeling it doesn’t happen as much as it should.
“That is truly tragic,” she says through her laughter.
“Can you help me? I don’t want to misstep and order the wrong thing. Can you imagine if I got kicked out of here?” I tease.
“Now that would be tragic. Let’s see what we can do to avoid your potential future banishment. Let me tell you, the sundaes are better than the pie if you ask me.”
“Oh, well shit, I’m not sure that’s possible. The pie I had was orgasmic.”
She looks up at me, smirking, and I just give her the most innocent look I can muster. We both snicker and figure out our orders. The rest of lunch is spent swapping stories of growing up, sharing likes and dislikes, typical surface level first date conversation. Not the most thrilling topics, but seeing her eyes light up at stories of Claire and learning that her love of reading stemmed from her grandfather were things that I’ll cherish. I grab a slice of pie for dessert and Rory grabs a sundae so we can compare notes.
She scoops a spoonful of ice cream with toppings and holds it out to me. I’m not sure if she expects me to take the spoon, but I go all in and simply lean forward to wrap my mouth around the spoon in her hand. The ice cream is smooth, has a great flavor, and the hot fudge is clearly high quality. The real treat is the hitch of her breath and the slight widening of her eyes as I lick my lips, enjoying every last drop of sugar. Her eyes flick to my mouth and back before I lean away from her.
“You’re right, that’s delicious,” I tell her, not talking about the ice cream. “Try this.”
I take a small scoop of the whipped cream topping my slice and add the tip of the piece of pie to it. I hold the fork toward her, and she raises her hand to grab it from me. Wanting to feed her myself, I pull the fork back, raising an eyebrow. She lowers her hand, a small smile pulling at her lips. Her mouth opens obediently, and I slide the fork in. Her mouth wraps around it and I’m not sure if this is my best idea or worst.
All my mind can focus on is how those lips would look and feel wrapped around my cock. She holds eye contact, and I can picture how good she would look on her knees doing that. My pulse picks up at the image and I can see she’s not wholly unaffected either. Her pupils dilate slightly, and there’s heat in her eyes as she pulls away from the fork. She tortures me with a slow lick of her tongue, mimicking my own movements as she catches the last flavors of sugar from her bite.
“I think the pie might win for me,” I tell her. “The ice cream was good but that experience is one I want to repeat. Hopefully frequently.”
“I could handle that,” she says softly.
“All I can think of,” I whisper softly so she has to lean in to hear, “is those lips wrapped around me instead of that fork.”
Her mouth drops slightly, her breath coming quicker. She bites her lip softly. “Sounds like you’ve got some big plans,” she responds.
“I can’t wait to show you.”
“I can’t wait to experience it.”
This woman might be the end of me. I’m nervous to stand up; my cock is hard as a rock, ready to go. It doesn’t care that we’re in public. All it wants is her wet heat. We each lean back and eat our desserts in comfortable quiet, a few words passing back and forth. Thankfully, it gives me time to calm my body down and I grab the check.