Page 33 of Here In Your Arms

“Just distracted, I guess. Got some personal stuff going on.”

“Anything I can help with?” he asks, and there’s a thread of sincerity there that I don’t typically expect from him.

Graham isn’t an extreme suck up by any means, but most interactions with him at the office usually involve a level of brown nosing. He’s incredibly ambitious but sometimes it’s exhausting.

“I appreciate the offer, man,” I tell him. “It’s just, uh, relationship stuff. Seeing someone new and all that.”

He nods. “Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I stay away from relationships. My sister started seeing a couple guys, and it always seems like there’s all kinds of shit that goes with it. Seems like a lot of disruption.”

“It sure can be, but it’s worth it honestly.”

“Maybe I just haven’t had the right experience. Sure seems like a lot of stress.”

“You’ll know when you meet the person, you’ll feel it.”

“Hm, maybe. Well, you know, if you need someone to talk to, I’m around,” he says before walking out.

I look at him closely, wondering for the first time if there’s more to him than I first thought. I’m not sure if this is the time to uncover it, but I might have to dig into this more. Leadership isn’t about saying the right thing to the right person, it’s about leading authentically, and if Graham is willing to open up with me even a little, maybe he’s capable of more. Good connections are still required, but if Graham can do more than say the right words to the right people, he’s worth taking an interest in. I make a mental note to put him on my personal radar.

By the time the workday comes to an end, I’m able to be moderately productive, and I’ve taken time to dig into Graham a little more. Seems like he’s had a good career so far here, whereas I was hired in at this VP level. Could be a beneficial combination of expertise in the company and world experience between the two of us. Jotting down some notes on a plan to work together, I finally power everything down and head out to my car. My phone dings as I’m about to push the start button, and I look to see Wes has sent a message to me.

Wes: Out of work yet?

Me: Just got in my car, what’s on your mind?

Wes: Drinks? Maybe a Rory sighting?

Me: You say that like she’s an elusive animal

Wes: Well, she’s pretty exotic

Me: You are ridiculous. Let’s go find some alcohol and our future girl

Wes: Fuck yeah, now you’re talking. Meet you there.

I smile and shake my head at my man. He knew I wouldn’t turn down the chance to see Rory. We both need to see her again, and while I know Wes got some time with her after her shift the other day, but it’s not the same as a date. My mind starts working on ideas for where to take her and I settle on offering a movie night. It’s low key, and we’ve met before so hopefully she’ll be comfortable with us. I’d love to show her our place if she’s comfortable with it.

The lot for the pub is busy but not packed, and my eyes immediately sweep behind the bar as I walk in, looking for our brown-haired beauty. Wes is at the far end from where I am, and I finally catch sight of Rory on the end closer to me. Her face is tense, and I see a combination of fear and anger in her eyes as the bald guy we’ve seen here before leans forward, talking to her. I beeline for her before realizing that I’m moving, and I catch the end of the conversation.

“…I don’t want to see it again, do you understand?” he hisses.

“It’s none of your business. You can stay the hell away from me,” she says back quietly, but with venom.

“Rory! I missed you today!” I say brightly as I come up to the bar and lean in toward her.

I grab her body in as much of a hug as I can, pulling her away from Baldie a little. Her face shows surprise, but she accepts the hug with a tight hold on me, seeming to want the anchor.

“Are you okay? Do I need to call the cops?” I ask quietly into her ear.

“I’m good. Just get me away from this asshole,” she whispers back.

We separate and I nod my head toward Wes. “Can you bring me a drink? I see an open spot over there.”

“Yeah, no problem!” she says brightly.

“Are you kidding me?” Baldie asks, rage building in his eyes.

“Can I help you?” I ask coldly, turning to him.