Page 24 of Here In Your Arms

I huff a laugh and lay back down on the bench. “Do you think we should consider solo dates?” I ask, a little tentatively.

Wes frowns as I reach up to grab the bar again. “Why?”

I do a couple of reps before answering between pumps of my arms. “You and I both had a chance to get to know each other. She deserves the same chance. Harder with all three of us.”

He turns pensive as I take a break between sets, sitting up and wiping my face off with one of the gym’s overly rough towels. We work in silence as I push out my last set, and it’s not uncomfortable, but it’s not exactly easy either. We agreed we wanted a girl to complete us, but the reality of trying to spend alone time with her is hitting. Will we get jealous? What if she likes one of us better? I’m not sure either of us really thought about that stuff.

Wes changes the weight as I stand and catch my breath, taking a sip of water and wiping my face again. He secures them and lays down on the bench, getting ready for his own set of reps. Pausing before he starts, he connects his eyes to mine.

“I think I’m worried,” he confesses.

“About what?” I ask softly.

“What if you like her more than me?”

I’m caught off guard momentarily. I had considered Rory liking one of us better than the other, but I hadn’t even thought of our feelings toward each other. Wes is the goofier one of us, but his heart is so damn tender and sometimes I forget that. I reach down to touch his cheek with my fingers.

“Hey, nobody can replace you, baby. I don’t want you to think that ever,” I tell him softly.

His mouth tilts in a small smile and I can see the relief on his face. He nods gently and focuses back on the bar he’s about to lift. I keep my attention on spotting him and try not to let my mind wander. Starting this relationship is going to be more difficult than I thought, and I’m definitely going to make an effort to ensure Wes feels just as important as he is. I can’t live without that man, and I’ll do whatever I can to make sure he knows it.

Someday, I hope I can say the same about Rory and shower her with love, too.

We wrap up arms and do a couple of leg weights before calling it and heading back into the changing room. I may or may not be scanning the halls, hoping to see that head of brown hair walking around, but she’s not here today. Stifling my disappointment, I look around the locker room and see it’s empty. Perfect. I grab Wes’ hand and pull him over to the sauna, which is also empty.

I force him to sit down, then squeeze in behind him, bracketing his lower body with my thighs. He leans back into me, fully relaxed by the heat and the cuddles. I run my hands from his shoulders, down to his wrists, and back up. My lips find his neck and I kiss from his shoulder up to his ear, licking his skin a little and tasting the salty sweat from our workout.

“What do you think? Should we relax a little more thoroughly?” I whisper huskily into his ear.

He groans. “God babe, I want to so bad, but do you know how fuckin’ unsanitary this is?”

“Do you think I really care? That’s what showers are for,” I say to him, moving my hands to his torso, fully intent on moving things forward despite being in a public sauna.

He groans and grasps my thighs, but he does nothing to stop my wandering hands. I graze them down his shoulders, making my way down his biceps and forearms, enjoying the feeling of his muscles beneath my fingertips. His skin pebbles as I go, goosebumps covering him, and I move my touch to his torso to tease his hardened nipples.

“Plus, we have clothes on. It’s not that unsanitary,” I inform him as I flick his nipples lightly.

His head falls back on my shoulder and his hips grind back into my length, trying to tease me as much as I’m teasing him. A groan escapes me as he does, and I pinch each nipple lightly, pulling a pleased moan from him. I continue my journey of feeling down his body, skating over his abs, enjoying the feeling of them flexing as he reacts to my touch.

“I can never get enough of you,” I confess softly into his ear.

“Touch me, Kyle, I’m dying for you.”

“You sure? You seemed hesitant before.”

One of his hands leaves my thigh and grabs my head, holding it as he turns to look at me. “Fuck it,” he tells me and pulls my lips to his.

My caress stills as we tease each other’s lips and tongues. We’re wrestling for control with our mouths, but we both know it’s not a real dominance battle, it’s just fun. One of my hands resumes its journey to Wes’ shorts, and he pulls away to lean his head back again as I dip underneath the waistband of his shorts.

He’s hard as a rock, the weight of him sitting comfortably in my palm as I stroke him from root to tip. My breath is shaky as I feel him, the heat that builds in my stomach becoming an inferno. He’s so perfect in my hand, I can never seem to get enough of his length. We’re so in tune with each other that I almost feel his pleasure as my own.

“Kyle,” Wes breathes out as I slowly stroke him again, squeezing gently at the tip.

I kiss him along his neck, starting at his ear and moving down to where his neck and shoulders meet. My teeth and lips teasing and nibbling at his salty skin as I go. My hand not gripping him snakes up to his throat, holding him gently where I want him.

As soon as I reach the base of his neck with my lips, I hear voices approaching the sauna, and before I can react, the door opens. Only one person is standing there, but I can hear someone else outside wondering why he’s not moving into the sauna.

Wes and I freeze, and my face heats with embarrassment. I can feel Wes’ smirk and I’m positive he gives the guy a wink, which just increases my mortification. As we sit there, I’m shocked to feel him get harder as we wait to see what will happen. The stranger stands there in shock momentarily, then backs away. I can vaguely hear his voice as the door closes.