Page 56 of Sweet Anarchy

"Ty said he would come back in a few months. Work is busy for him at the moment and he can't take too much leave."

I nod. "At least you got to see him. Though, I'm sure we all wish the circumstances were different."

Chuck rubs my shoulder, over the nearly healed wound. "It all worked out. I like to call it character building."

"Well, character building can fuck off. I've had enough for it for one lifetime," I grumble, walking past him. "I'm going to go get dressed and head to the college."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Asher asks as I head past.

I shake my head. "I think I need to do this alone. You got me this far, Ash. But it's time I handle the rest on my own."

"Rylee Selwood, here to see Dean Richmond."

Louise peers up at me from behind her desk, her eyes flashing with recognition as she takes in my appearance. I don't know why I care, but I dressed up a little more formal than usual. I really couldn't give a shit what they think of me, but I want to prove to them that I'm not the person they think I am.

She eyes my blazer, obviously suspicious since it's too warm outside to wear one. "I'll let him know you're here, Ms. Selwood. Take a seat."

I nod, sitting down in the chairs lined against the wall. Everything is exactly the same as before. It feels like I'm in some weird version of the Twilight Zone, swinging back full circle.

I don't have to wait long before the Dean's office door swings open and he stands in the frame looking for me.

"Ms. Selwood," he beckons with a stern face.

I stroll past him into the office, taking a seat opposite him. I wait for him to speak so he can lead the conversation, because truthfully, I still have no idea what to say, what to do, or if being here is even the right decision.

Dean Richmond cups his hands on top of his desk, gazing at me so intensely, I wonder if he's trying to burn holes into my face.

"I gather you received our letter."

"I did," I confirm. "I was surprised to say the least."

He mutters something that sounds suspiciously like 'so was I' but I ignore it.

"And will you be returning to Brightmore?" he asks. His tone is so short and blunt, it's obvious he's not pleased about this.

I shrug. "I'm not sure yet. I want to know what's in it for me."

Dean Richmond's eyebrows shoot up. "You receive an esteemed education."

"And you receive tuition again and avoid a scandal," I point out. "I mean, I didn't overly enjoy my time here, if I'm being honest. I wasn't sure if college was right for me then, and I still feel the same now."

He looks offended, like he's gone out of his way to make this happen against his will and I'm denying him. He goes to speak and I cut him off.

"That being said," I start. "I want a future. I just need to decide if this is where it begins."

The perplexity in his eyes makes me want to laugh. He certainly wasn't expecting this when I walked in. Though, it almost looks like he also has a tad of respect in his face.

"Well, if your previous enrollment is not what you wish to continue, you are eligible to transfer to a new course. The usual application procedure would apply, but they process quite quickly."

I nod. "Could you please provide me with a list of courses and their length? Preferably options where online study is available."

The Dean looks pleased at the idea of online enrollment, probably since I wouldn't have to be at the campus… sucking off support staff.

"I'll have Louise send you a list by the end of the week to your email. You can review and let us know how you wish to proceed. But Ms. Selwood," he pauses, face darkening, "we would expect a new level of commitment from you upon your return. The review committee is dedicated to assisting students, but should there be any further incidents then it is likely you will not be invited back."

I push my chair back, standing up. "Don't worry, Dean Richmond. I don't play those types of games anymore."

I hold in a laugh at the look on his face, not keen to clarifying that this whole thing started because of a fucked up version of Truth or Dare with my stepbrother-now turned lover.