Page 52 of Sweet Anarchy

Chapter 16


After seeing Ronnie, I drive around for a little bit, listening to music and unwinding.

Cancer is so cruel. Ronnie isn't the first person I know who's had it, but he's definitely the closest. He looked like a shell of his great, former self. Although he looked so different physically, he was still the joke-cracking, playful man I remember.

I haven't been in a car solo since the accident, and it amazes me that grief has pushed me to overcome the fear. The Norsemen are dangerous right now, and I have no doubts that they would try to do it again if they saw me. But I feel nothing right now, except the depressing sadness that fills my body knowing I'm going to lose the man that was like my second father.

I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that life took my Dad, and now it's going to take Ronnie too. It's not fucking fair.

My playlist shuffles when the song ends, turning into an upbeat pop song. I jump, immediately hitting the buttons on the screen to try to change it. I need depressive music right now – damnit, just let me be in my feelings.

The song accidentally starts again and I curse, annoyed that I still can't seem to figure out all the buttons in Asher's car. He was kind enough to let me borrow the Aston Martin since my Chevy was written off. I can't help but laugh at the fact Asher must really love me if he's letting me drive his precious car around alone.

The Aston Martin is Asher's pride and joy. It's always kept so clean and tidy with how much he obsesses over it.

Finally, I figure out how to skip the music until I find a new song. 'My Immortal' by Evanescence starts playing and my old little emo heart bounces in excitement. I will forever live in the emo-punk rock stage, and I don't care what anyone says.

The afternoon sun is starting to move between the mountains and trees in the distance, dimming the streets, so I decide to head back to the house. While I feel nothing right now, I know it's not safe to be out alone in the dark, so I make the right call.

I park Asher's car in the same spot it was in earlier, making sure it's locked before heading inside the house. There's a few sounds lingering around – the tv in the basement is on, likely where Asher is. Someone is in the kitchen, banging around the fridge and stove – my money being on Zayn.

I'm not sure where Chuck is, probably with Asher or resting. Hopefully resting or else I'll have to kick his ass.

It's comforting knowing the guys are lurking around somewhere, but I'm still not quite ready to interact just yet, so I head to my bedroom. When I walk in, I notice some mail on the end of my bed, so I head over, flicking through the envelopes.

Most of it looks like bills or junk mail, but the last one catches my attention. The logo on the corner of the envelope is unmistakable, because I've seen it hundreds of times.

Brightmore College.

Doubt fills my mind and I double check again, making sure it is, in fact, addressed to me. Asher is still a student there, even though he seems to barely go these days. I have no idea how he's even passing classes.

I dig my finger into the corner of the envelope, ripping it open and pulling the letter out. Unfolding the letter, I read over the contents, disbelief flooding through me.

Dear Ms. Rylee Selwood,

I refer to your previous enrollment at Brightmore College, which was terminated during the Summer semester.

As part of our policies and procedures, the college endeavours to review all terminations, suspensions and withdrawals to ensure our quality standards are being met. Your termination has recently been reviewed, taking into consideration new evidence, statements and character references which have been forwarded to the College.

The review committee has reviewed this matter and in light of the above, decided to withdraw the termination of your enrollment at Brightmore College.

As such, we are pleased to offer you a place next Semester in your previous course. All completed units will still appear on your transcript and you will find a course unit guide enclosed to assist with semester preparation. Enrollments for units in your course are currently open and can be accessed via your student portal.

We would be pleased if you would contact the College at your earliest convenience to confirm your enrollment.

Yours Sincerely,

Dean Richmond

I drop the piece of letter on the bed like it's red-hot to touch. I stare at it, wide-eyed, unsure of what to make of the situation.

I guess whatever Asher did worked… and possibly Jenny. I know she said she was considering helping, but I never expected to receive this. Dean Richmond made it quite clear on a number of occasions that they didn't like me there, and now suddenly, I'm welcomed back?

My bedroom door opens behind me and I look over my shoulder, watching as Blake steps inside the room.

"I thought I heard you come back," he says, closing the door behind him quietly. "How are you doing?"