"You're not fine!" I argue. "You're hurt. And Volts is hurt... and Chuck... no one is fine!"
Vito grabs a bottle of beer from the ground that appears to have survived. He takes a swig before handing it to Butch, who drinks it so casually, you wouldn't know he was bleeding out on the floor.
"Rylee," Butch says sternly, using my full name for emphasis. "Listen to me. You need to be strong, just for a little bit. You can do it." His voice softens as he nods at me encouragingly.
I hold his gaze, nodding slowly. "Okay."
Vito looks over his shoulder towards the door. "Sirens. Paramedics and cops will be here any second. Lee, it's important you don't say anything to them."
I look over at the door. "I understand. I need to go back to Chuck. I need them to go to him first."
Before either of them can respond, I'm on my feet, rushing back towards him on the other side of the bar. I hope and pray that when I get there, he'll have moved or be sitting up... or something. Anything.
But when I get back to him, he's still motionless. I drop down next to him, my legs soaked in blood as I grab his hand and squeeze it.
"Chuck, don't you dare die on me," I whisper urgently. "You're not allowed to fucking leave me. You're not allowed to leave me!"
Daylight floods the bar as the door flings open. I glance up, my heart pausing at the look of disbelief and despair on the first paramedic's face as he takes in the scene. In the light, the color red seems so much more visible... so much more everything in general. It's like a massacre... except, I guess it is.
There's yelling and commands from the paramedics before they all start rushing in, clutching their bags as they spread out around the room.
"Over here!" I cry out to an older man when I catch his eye. "Please help him."
He doesn't hesitate, making a beeline for us. His blue gloves feel Chuck's neck before he turns and waves to another paramedic. "I need some help to flip this guy over!"
Another male barrels over to us, ignoring me at first as they turn Chuck onto his back. I stare at Chuck's face, his eyes closed peacefully. You'd almost believe he was asleep, if it wasn't for the blood and dirt molded and embedded to his perfect skin and stubble.
"He's bradycardic, weak pulse," the first paramedic mutters to the other as they start ripping open their bags. "I need gauze and saline. GSW to the chest, abdomen and thigh. We need to stabilize him for transport ASAP. Tell the hospital to have bags of O blood ready. They are going to need it."
"Roger that," the second paramedic replies, handing him gauze. They quickly pack it onto the wounds, grabbing a cannula and shoving it into the top of Chuck's hand.
"Is he alive?" I cry out, a small flicker of hope pulling inside me.
A latex hand grabs my shoulder, startling me.
"Miss? I need to check you," a younger male paramedic says. "Can you tell me if you have been shot anywhere?"
I shake my head. "I need to stay with him!" I argue, violently shrugging off his helping hand.
"I think you've been hit," he fires back, pressing his finger into the top of my arm.
I look over, noticing little gashes on my skin. I can't feel anything though - at least not physically.
"I'm fine," I growl, grabbing Chuck's jacket, just so I can be touching him.
Vito pushes past the commotion and flurry of paramedics and injured bikers, lifting me off the ground.
"Come on, Lee. You need to move back," he says sternly, dragging me towards the door.
I struggle against him, hurt and in disbelief that he's pulling me away from Chuck.
"V! Let me go!"
"I'm sorry, Lee. You need help and so does Chuck. It's for the best. I promise it's going to be okay, but you need to trust me," he murmurs, pulling me outside the bar into the parking lot.
The parking lot is full of ambulances and paramedics, scattered in the middle of bikes. Police are pulling in too, their sirens blaring as their wheels kick up gravel.
There's already news reporters on the road side, filming the scene. I notice a few of them look at me, talking amongst themselves. They look like they are about to walk over but Vito drags me to the end of a rig, pushing me towards a lingering paramedic.