Page 76 of Sweet Anarchy

We all like to believe we'll live forever, and even though we know we won't, you can't picture your life without certain people in it. I remember when Dad died, life just kind of stopped for me. You never expect to bury your parent at such a young age, and my life didn't make any sense without him in it.

I think that's what's brought Phoebe and I closer lately. I hate it, the bond we now share after losing our Dads. I'd do anything to bring them back, even just to spend one more day with them.

"I don't think it's okay," she mumbles, holding back sobs.

"What's going on?" I ask, sitting down on the couch.

I hear her cry a little louder, my heart breaking as I listen helplessly. She manages to pull herself together for a few seconds.

"Con's at work. I just went to the bathroom and I'm bleeding."

"What?" I breathe out. "Is the baby okay?"

She sobs again. "I don't know," she mumbles.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I need to go to the hospital and get checked out. But Con's at work and I don't want to bother him because we need the money. And I can't ask Mom or my sisters because they are not having a good week."

I stand up, nodding to myself. "I'll come," I tell her. "I'll come get you right now. It's no problem at all."

"Is that okay?" she whispers. "I don't want to be alone right now."

"Of course it's okay. Go get ready and I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

I hang up the phone, racing into the kitchen. The guys look up from the table, panic falling over their features as they take in my facial expression.

"I need to take Phoebe to the hospital. Ash, can I borrow your car?"

Asher nods, standing up. "Do you want me to come with you?"

I shake my head. "I think it's best if I go with her alone. It's about the baby."

He frowns, looking at his brothers. Blake glances over, his face tight.

"You shouldn't be going out alone. It's dangerous," he says.

"It's pretty much the middle of the day, it's raining and I'll be at the hospital," I reassure them. "I will literally text you when I get to her house, then when I'm at the hospital, and when I'm heading back."

Zayn taps his fingers on the table, sharing a look with Blake. "It should be fine," he says to Blake. "We've got people out patrolling. Let's contact them so they can keep an eye out."

"Look, you do what you need to do. I have to go, but I'll text you. I'll take the pepper spray!" I yell, power walking to the foyer to grab Asher's keys from the hook.

I nearly slip going down the steps, but manage to compose myself, diving into Asher's car to escape the rain. I make sure I have my pepper spray and house keys before putting the key into the ignition, pulling my seat belt on and taking off down the driveway.

I beep the horn out the front of Phoebe's house when I arrive, taking a second to send Asher a text message letting him know I was there.

Phoebe's front door opens and she rushes out towards the car, covering her head with her purse. She climbs into the passenger seat, her face red from crying.

"I'm sure it's okay," I tell her, giving her hand a squeeze. "Did you let Con know?"

She shakes her head. "I don't want to worry him at work until I know for sure."

"Okay," I murmur, pulling out onto the road. "Let's go see what's going on with bubba."

"Mrs. Sloane, your baby is fine," the doctor says, heading back into the room.

We've been sitting here for what seems like a lifetime, waiting for answers. They rushed us in fairly quickly, taking Phoebe for a blood test and ultrasound. But after that, the doctor got called away to deliver a baby, and we've been stuck waiting in this weird smelling purple room.