Page 66 of Sweet Anarchy

Jimmy takes a step in my direction but stops, apparently deciding not to bother. He mutters something to Leo, who nods.

I let out a sigh of relief when they turn away from my direction, but my relief quickly disappears when I spot a flash of silver in Jimmy's hand.

It may be small, but my brain connects two and two together when I spot the knocked over jerry can on the ground nearby.

They're going to burn Wheels down.

My panicked gaze looks at Zayn's Jeep and I don't know how but I know without a doubt… he's inside. Something in my gut tells me…

The fucking psychos are going to burn Wheels down with Zayn inside.

Before I can think rationally or even stop myself, I fling open the door, sprinting across the road in my black funeral dress. The sound of the car door slamming shut behind me gets the Norsemen attention, the two of them turning. A flash of recognition crosses their face and I stop at the entrance of the parking lot, keeping a distance between myself and them.

I freeze… fear taking over again. I can't speak, my eyes just staring at the two of them as I realize I've put myself in a horrible, horrible position.

"You," Leo growls. "For fuck sake."

"What are you doing?" I manage to stumble out, sounding like a complete idiot.

Jimmy snorts, playing with the lighter in his hand. "Get out of here, bitch. We're dealing with bigger issues right now."

"No," Leo snarls. "She still owes me."

"Let it go," Jimmy growls back at him. "We have other things to worry about."

I look at the Jeep again, the two of them noticing me staring at it.

"He's inside," Jimmy says casually, taunting me.

"Please don't do it," I beg, glancing at the lighter in his hands.

Leo rolls his eyes, kicking the gravel with his boot. "Maybe this can be your payback."

"You want money?" I ask. "I'll give you money right now," I offer, desperate to get them to stop.

Leo pretends to think for a moment. "Nah. I'm good with this. Jimmy, hurry the fuck up before someone else comes."

"Wait!" I yell, stepping forward. "What do you want?"

"What do we want?" Jimmy asks with a scoff. "Retribution, you stupid bitch. Tell you what though, I like to think I'm a fair person…"

I stay quiet, watching him carefully. Leo looks at him confused, a scowl on his face.

Jimmy smirks at him before turning back to me. "If you want your friend, you can go get him."

"Really?" I ask, relieved and in disbelief.

He nods. "Sure. I hope you're fast though."

I yell as he flicks open the Zippo, his finger spinning the flint wheel and igniting the flame. He throws it over his head, the metal bouncing off the wood of the bar before flames erupt.

I stare in horror as fire starts spreading around the outside of the building, lighting up a trail of gasoline.

My legs start moving before my brain can even register what's going on. I dart past the two laughing men, launching myself into the bar.

I look around wildly, vomit threatening to spill out of my mouth at the sight of the bar. Memories flash back, haunting me as I spot the ground where Chuck once lay, bleeding out in my arms.

"Zayn!" I scream out, panic filling me as smoke starts billowing around the room. Flames are slowly peeking through the wood from the outside and I'm so consciously aware that between the gasoline outside, and the broken booze inside, this place is about to light up quickly.