Page 64 of Sweet Anarchy

"Maybe not," he agrees. "But it will be sweet killing you regardless. Two birds, one stone. I heard you guys made up with the Rebels again. Not sure why you thought that would scare us off."

I shrug. "Ask them. It wasn't my idea."

Jimmy straightens up, the sound of footsteps outside the door making their way to the room. The door opens, filling the room with light. I tip my head back, staring upside down at the newcomer. I recognize him as another Norsemen, though his name escapes me right now. It's hard to focus on anything with the pain.

"I'm ready when you are," he tells Jimmy, looking at me coldly.

"Aw, you guys leaving so soon?" I mutter, giving them a small grin.

Jimmy pulls out his cigarettes from his pocket, lighting another one. "Soon," he says. "Leo has just finished pouring gasoline around the building. We'll be torching it shortly… with you inside."

Chapter 20


I frown as we pull in the driveway, the Jeep still absent.

"He's not here," I mutter sadly.

We step out of the car, Blake fishing into his suit pocket for his phone. "I'll check with Bill to see if they got held up. He'll be back, Ry."

Asher grabs my hand, hitting the lock button on his key fob. "Want to go take a shower?"

"Soon, maybe. I just want to go hang by myself in my room for a bit."

He nods, leading us through the front door. "I'll be down in the mancave if you need me," he says, putting his keys on a hook near the front door. He leans down and kisses me, looking at Chuck. "Round two?"

Chuck laughs. "I'll kick your ass again. Come get us if you need us, babe," he murmurs, kissing my forehead.

The two of them disappear down the stairs to the basement as Blake heads upstairs on his phone. I linger in the foyer for a few seconds, the feeling of worry making me sick.

I start to head towards the stairs when my phone starts ringing in my hand. I quickly pause, checking the caller ID, hoping to see Zayn's name flash up. I sigh in disappointment, but answer the call anyway.

"Hey Volts," I mutter, trying to hide my frustration.

"Hey Ry," he says. "I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's fine. You're never a bother," I tell him.

He pauses briefly. "I saw something weird."

I frown, wondering why on Earth Volts is calling to tell me he saw something weird. "Okay?"

"I was just driving past the bar and noticed someone removed the boarding. I didn't think much of it but I'm pretty sure I saw your friend. At least, I think it was your friend."

My friend?

"Who?" I ask.

Volts mutters something to someone in the background before speaking again. "I can't remember his name. Tall, brown hair… my friend said he was in a Jeep or something. Just thought it was weird he was lurking at the door of the bar. We didn't stop so we didn't get a good look."

My heart starts racing. Zayn was at Wheels? Why the fuck would he go there?

"When was this?" I ask quickly.

"About twenty minutes ago."

I turn around, grabbing Asher's keys off the hook. "Thanks, Volts. I'll check it out."