Page 38 of Sweet Anarchy

I accidentally throw my head back too fast, hitting the tree, but I don't care. My legs cling hard, pulling him in as far as possible as my lower body is practically bent into a 'V' shape.

I feel him still, spilling into me as he leans his forehead against mine. I gently push back against him, wishing I could touch him.

He pulls out of me, carefully placing my feet on the ground. I do my best to stand, waiting as my hands are untied from the tree.

Reaching for the blindfold and mouth gag, I pull them off. My head is still spinning from being fucked so hard, that I'm seeing double.

Literally double.

My gaze shifts between Zayn and Blake, the two of them fully dressed and staring at me with smirks.

"I fucking knew it," I laugh, grabbing my shorts and underwear off the ground and slipping them on.

"How could you tell?" Zayn grins.

I shrug. "Something felt different. I should have known you would do a twin swap at some point to try to confuse me."

Blake scoffs playfully. "Too clever for your own good."

I walk over, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning in for a kiss.

"Maybe. But you love my smart mouth, don't you?"

Chapter 12


"Why are you walking funny?" Chuck asks, as I hobble into the hospital room.

"I think I have a splinter in my pussy."

He bursts out laughing, motioning for me to sit down. I spread my legs open in a very un lady-like fashion as I sit down.

"How did that happen?" he questions.

"Got fucked against a tree. It's nearly as bad as the time you fucked me in the mud," I grumble.

Chuck grins. "Ahh… good memories. Do you still speak to your old roommates?"

I shake my head. "I haven't for a while. I should reach out to them. I miss them, even with their terrible cooking skills. Hey, maybe the two of us could go for a drive to Rosevale and visit them one day soon."

He nods. "That sounds good. I bet your old work friends would be happy to see you too. Isn't there a wedding coming up?"

My eyes light up. "George's wedding! Fuck, I totally forgot to RSVP. Do you think it's too late?"

"Nah," Chuck says. "Everyone loves weddings. Though, not sure how you'd swing having a plus four."

Snorting, I imagine the look on George's face when he finds out I am, in fact, the dating queen. My dear old Georgie smashed the online dating world and here I am, with four boyfriends like such dick-crazed psycho.

"We'll figure it out. You know you'd be my preference for a plus one there. But something tells me that the others won't let me out of their sights."

Chuck nods in agreement. "I don't blame them. I encourage it, actually. You're precious cargo and need to be protected at all costs."

"Precious cargo, my ass," I mumble. "Besides, I'm not the one that needs protecting right now. Look at you."

"Well," he starts. "Now that you mention it, I have some news."
