Zayn looks crestfallen. "Yeah, pretty girl. We just found out some old friends were involved in the attack."
"I'm so sorry," I mumble genuinely.
"That's fucked up," Asher says quietly. "I didn't realize it was that big."
Blake sighs. "Yeah. So, it's a lot more complicated and messy now. Bill is going to be meeting with Mack. It looks like we're going to have to join forces again, at least temporarily."
"How do you know all this?" I ask. "Butch and Chuck would never tell me anything. The higher ups always kept things under wraps and in their inner circle."
Blake looks visibly uncomfortable. "That's the other thing I haven't mentioned. Before we decided to come back, I was being mentored to step up into a bigger role."
"What role?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.
"Deputy prez," Zayn says casually. "Subby was getting ready to retire and step back, so Bill wanted Blake to take over."
Asher looks at Blake accusingly. "What?!"
"Calm down, Ash," Blake growls. "It wasn't a big deal. And it obviously didn't end up happening."
My mouth falls open and I look at Blake with wide eyes. "You were going to be a leader?"
"It didn't end up happening," he reiterates again. "We decided it wasn't for me and once I stepped into that role, it would be a lot harder to get out. That's why Bill was so mad when we asked to leave."
"That's fucked up and you know it," Asher mumbles.
Blake rolls his eyes. "Don't get caught up in the details, Asher. I'm home now."
"But you're still involved in the club," Asher snaps back. "What happens if they want you to step up again?"
"It's different this time," Zayn answers. "Bill knows that. The main thing we need to focus on is the Norsemen. We need to stop those bastards."
I look at Asher. "He's right. We need to deal with that first before we even worry about anything else."
Asher falls silent, giving me a curt nod.
"Besides," Blake grumbles. "We also need to deal with the parents at some stage. They can't know about the situation with the clubs. But we need to deal with this." He motions to me then the rest of them.
My heart drops. "Do you think we'll have to end things?" I ask quietly.
"Fuck no," Asher says. "I'm not ending anything."
"Neither am I, babe," Zayn chimes in. "We just need to work out how to get them to accept it and live with it."
I look at Blake, desperate for his input. He reads the expression of worry on my face, cupping my cheek.
"I'm not going anywhere, Rylee. I told you that. We just don't need the hostility. So, we will deal with that when we cross that bridge. One thing at a time."
I nod. "One thing at a time."
I shove breakfast down quickly, determined to get back to the hospital this morning to see Chuck. When I'm back in my room alone getting dressed, I put on some music to distract my thoughts, humming away as I rummage through my closet.
I don't hear my bedroom door creak open, or the footsteps into my room from the music. I grab a pair of black denim shorts and a royal purple tank top off the coat hanger, flinging them over my shoulder before I walk back into the main part of my bedroom.
I stumble over my feet, staring wide-eyed at the unexpected visitor.
The clothes end up scattered on the floor as I fling them, tackling her in a hug.