Page 26 of Sweet Anarchy

"It's the list of fallen brothers," he says quietly.

I throw the paper on the desk, sitting back in my chair. I suspected we may have known some of the victims, but seeing their names on the paper hits hard.

"Maybe it's time we re-evaluate our position. Though, to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about it."

Bill lets out a dry laugh. "You still haven't told anyone, have you?"

I shake my head. "I didn't think it was important."

"Of course it is," he says. "Especially if this attack means what I think it does in terms of our involvement now."

Sitting back, I sigh loudly. I really didn't want it to come to this. But the next steps are crucial to everyone's survival. The problem is it's making things even more complicated than before.

"I'll tell them," I answer finally. "I don't have any other option now."

Bill nods. "I'm meeting with Mack tomorrow. Probably best to get it out of the way as soon as possible. I'll get Fetch to touch base afterwards and let you know what's going on. We will need to have a club meeting. I'd suggest bringing your brothers and girlfriend with you."

My jaw ticks at the thought of involving Rylee and Asher even more. "Okay," I mutter, standing up and heading towards the door.

As my hand touches the door handle, Bill lets out an exhausted sigh.

"I still think you would have made an excellent vice prez, Blake."

I glance over my shoulder at him. "Probably," I admit. "But life always has other plans, doesn't it?"

Knowing there's probably no reply coming, I head out of the office into the quiet main room, closing the door behind me.

I have no idea how well this impending conversation is going to go down. It's going to change everything. But we're at a crossroads and at the moment, every direction we turn is met with Norsemen. The only option is to make a new fucking path.

By the time I arrive home, it's still dark but little whispers of sunlight are starting to break over the horizon. The house is quiet when I enter, everyone still fast asleep which is not surprising.

I climb the stairs quietly, pausing at the top as I figure out which direction to head.

I swing right, heading down the corridor until I reach Rylee's bedroom door. I have no idea if she's in here or across the hall in Asher's room. I open the door, gazing into the darkness to check the bed.

There's bumps under the blanket, so I step into the room and walk over, fighting back a laugh as I gaze down.

Rylee is fast asleep, guarded by Asher on one side and Zayn on the other. The former has his arm wrapped around her tightly, clinging to her, even in his sleep.

I watch them for a few seconds before turning around, getting ready to head back out when a whisper breaks the silence.

"Aw, come on. There's plenty of room."

I snort, turning to find Zayn peering at me lazily. He's always been a light sleeper – or perhaps it's the twin sense. We're good at knowing when the other one is nearby.

"I'm not spooning either of you," I murmur, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, Asher is likely to punch me in his sleep if I get near."

Zayn lifts his head, looking over at the other two. "They are so cute when they are asleep. Especially Asher… because he's not talking."

He kicks back the blanket, slipping out. I watch as he tucks it under Rylee's side, cocooning her against Asher, before he follows me out the room.

We head down the corridor to my bedroom, flicking on the light as we enter. It will be sunrise soon, but I'm still wide awake.

"Meeting went well, I take it?" Zayn asks, muffling a yawn.

"Fucking splendidly."

I sit on the edge of the bed, pushing my hair back. I fill him in on my conversation with Bill, avoiding the topic of the list.